Page 147 - John Fawkner College SIPP Booklet V1
P. 147

humanities Year 10

Session 5: Session 6: Session 7: Session 8:

Finance and budgeting Human Resources (employees) Careers and training Ethics in sport and business

Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions
Identify key information from a fnancial budget and Students to understand the use of human resources in running a Students will identify the various career opportunities Students will understand the basic ethical consider-
create a basic budget for a sporting business successful business available in the sporting industry and the steps in obtain- ations in sport and business
ing one of their choice

Starter: Starter: Starter Starter

Warm-up activity (Pre-Test): Main activity Main activity Main activity
1. Re-cap of last lesson 1. Refresh last lesson 1. Re-cap last lesson
2. Brainstorm on the board: what does “Human Resources” 2. Brainstorm: students to write down as many sporting 2. Warm up activity: teacher to read a number of eth-
Main activity mean? careers as they can think of in their books (2 min- ical dilemmas to the class. Students must choose
1. Re-cap from last lesson (key words, concepts) 3. Notes: students to take down notes on “HR” and it’s role in a utes) one of the two options and move to that side of the
2. Discussion: “what is a budget?”, “Why do we need business 3. In small groups (2-3) students to categorise the room. Students must pick, they cannot sit on the
a budget?” 4. Human Resources video careers into groups *They are to select the categories fence
3. Key vocabulary: students to write synonyms for 5. Discuss video/ mind map they use (eg. Athletes, trainers, medicine, marketing 3. Class discussion regarding the outcomes of the
the following words- expenses, revenue, proft, 6. Assessment part 5: students to complete the human re- etc) activity: why did people disagree on what to do in
forecast, actual sources component of their assignment, focusing on their 4. As a class, discuss the various categories students each situation
4. Class scenario: “You want a new pair of soccer or sporting business have come up with and decide on a class list (approx. 4. Notes: ethics in business
footy boots”: how do you buy them? Lead the class 7. Summary 4-5) 5. Brainstorm: class to brainstorm ethical issues that
discussion towards having to budget your money 5. Write each category on a separate piece of butchers may arise in business, discuss fndings as a class
and plan your expenses Resources: paper and have students add the sport careers to the 6. Assessment: students are to complete the ethical
5. Complete a budget together on the board (using • Flipchart relevant heading considerations component of their report
fipchart template) • Assessment part 1 6. Discuss fndings as a class 7. Summary
6. Discuss fndings with the class 7. Notes: students to take down notes from the board
7. Budgeting for sports teams: as a class brainstorm regarding careers and training
some of the revenue, expenses etc that may be 8. As a class, analyse the steps required in obtaining a Resources
relevant to your team career as an elite athlete • Flipchart
8. Assessment part 4: students to complete a bud- 9. Students to now complete part 6 of their assessment: • Assessment part 7
get/ fnancial report for their sporting team (must careers and training
have evidence of research) 10. Summary
9. Summary
Resources: • Flipchart
• Flipchart • Assessment part 2
• Pre-test
• Butchers paper


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