Page 149 - John Fawkner College SIPP Booklet V1
P. 149
humanities Year 10
Sessions 9: Session 10/11/12: Last Session:
Putting together the assessment Sport Business Day Summary, Post-test, Reflection
Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions:
Consolidate the individual assignment components Use the key knowledge learnt over the past 3 weeks to plan and Summarise the business in sport unit and complete the
into a business report. run a sporting business at school post-test
Starter: Starter: Starter:
Main activity Main activity Main activity
1. Re-cap what students have been studying 1. Re-cap key topics over the past lessons: business plan, mar- 1. Re-cap unit
2. Go over expectations for assignment keting, careers, employment, sponsorship, fnance, resourc- 2. Discuss outcome of sporting business day: what
3. Students to work independently on putting togeth- es, ethics worked/ what didn’t work?
er their assignment (including any sections they 2. Explain task to students: they will be running sporting busi- 3. Post-test (students to complete in approx.. 30 min-
may have missed) nesses during lunchtime on the last Wednesday of term 3 utes)
4. Summary 3. Students may choose their groups and brainstorm ideas for 4. Refection: students to complete refection questions
their business (tournament/ coaching session etc) about the unit and provide feedback on what they
Resources 4. Use fipchart to guide discussion enjoyed/ didn’t enjoy
Flipchart 5. Students to work independently
Resources • Flipchart
Flipchart • Post-test
Table of Contents