Page 4 - Magazine.cdr
P. 4


                         Takeo Takakura

                         Vice President, MPW-IND

            Have you thinking why safety is so important?

            Please be thinking yourself and your family.
            First of all, if you get injured in a disaster, it hurts. If the disability remains, it will be inconvenient for the rest of
            your life. “Eyes” are especially prone to injury and do not heal if injured . If you have an eye injury, you will be
            incapacitated for the rest of your life.

            Family members are;
            (1) lose their income.  (2)  If you have a disability remained, someone of your family must take care of you. (3)
            If a fatal disaster occurs, the family will be very sad.
            If a colleague suffers a disaster due to your unsafe behaviour or unplanned work, you will regret it for the rest
            in whole of your life.

            Your all know that careless behaviour, unplanned work, and unsafe work environments will be happen to
            incident. This is not limited to on-site construc on, even in the office, careless behaviour and poor working
            environment will be happen to incident. For example, a fire like an octopus foot wiring at electrical tapping,
            running down the stairs, etc.

            First of all, let's keep to be safety environment situa on at the both of in the site and in the office.
            This is the first step in safety.

            In Japanese, there is an ac vity called 5S for safety. All of them refer to five ac vi es whose ini als are "S" in
            Japanese. I will write it for your reference.

            1, 整理 (Seiri) Keeping things in order  ; Classify what you need and what you don't need, and throw away what
            you don't need
            2, 整頓 (Seiton) keeping things  dy;Make it easy for anyone to take out what they need.
            3, 清掃 (Seisou) Cleaning ;Maintaining a clean condi on without dust and dirt.
            4, 清潔 (Seiketsu)  Cleanliness ; All of above 1 to 3 (keeping things in order / keeping things  dy/ Cleaning) is
            maintained in any me.;3S
            5, 躾  (Shitsuke) Discipline  ;  All of above 1 to 3 has become established and the keeping these culture.

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