Page 5 - Magazine.cdr
P. 5
Mr. Kamlesh Dwivedi
Senior Vice President EPC & Head of AQCS
Mitsubishi Power India Private Limited
1. Why - Safety First?
Safety First is important mo o to be followed. If organisa on follows this mo o the accident down me
can be avoided. This also improves the produc vity and keeps morale of employees high. On the other
hand, if workplace is not safe, workers are always concerned about their wellbeing and hence their output
/ produc vity may suffer.
It is important to analyse safety aspect of any assignment or work that is taken up before taking any ac on.
This analysis will help in iden fying the exact nature of the risk involved in comple ng a task and will help
in defining the mi ga on strategy and selec ng proper PPEs and work procedures.
2. What is resistance to change and the meaning of “change mechanism” how it can be introduced in
Construc ons sites for HSE improvements?
IN construc on Industry in India , labour force comes from various sources. Some of these workers are
trained by good construc on companies and some other may not get exposed to proper training. This is
especially true for manpower engaged in civil works as the civil works range is quite wide and includes
industrial as well as non-industrial areas.
This is also true for construc on contractors, some of them follow very good safety prac ces and other's
may not.
Further as we say 'Old Habits die hard “, hence if one is used to certain way of working it takes me to
change specially in the ma ers of safety where it may involve some extra commitment and investment to
start with.
I believe, the only way to change this is by way of proper educa on and mo va on at all levels star ng
from top management to workmen. Once everyone is convinced about these benefits, things should fall
in place.
3. Why recogni on is so important for any personnel or organisa on, what all are the effec ve Reward &
Recogni on methods in Indian industries.
Recogni on is a way of saying to the person that , what they are doing is correct and also mo vates them
to do be er .It helps them to see that organisa on looks posi vely at their contribu on for implemen ng
safe prac ces for successful comple on of task at hand.
Recogni on in any organisa on should also mo vates others in organisa on to achieve the same. It's very
important that reason and criteria for recogni on should be very clear to all.