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-  The professor delivered an engaging lecture on the history of ancient

                              -  Attending lectures is an essential part of the learning experience in college.

                              -  The lecture hall was filled with students eager to learn from the guest

                   13. Course:
                          o  Pronunciation: /kɔrs/

                          o  Meaning: A series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, leading to an

                              examination or qualification.
                          o  Example sentence:

                              -  I'm enrolled in a psychology course this semester that covers topics like

                                 cognitive psychology and behavioral analysis.
                              -  The course syllabus outlines the learning objectives, assignments, and

                                 grading criteria for the semester.
                              -  Students can choose elective courses to supplement their main course of

                                 study and explore other interests.
                   14. Project:

                          o  Pronunciation: /ˈprɑʤɛkt/ noun

                          o  Meaning: An individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned
                              and designed to achieve a particular aim.

                          o  Example sentence:
                              -  The engineering students worked together on a group project to design an

                                 innovative solar-powered car.
                              -  Her project proposal was approved by the committee, and she is excited to

                                 start working on it.

                              -  Completing this project will require careful planning, research, and
                                 collaboration with team members.

                   15. Extracurricular:

                          o  Pronunciation: /ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjələr/
                          o  Meaning: Activities pursued outside of the regular curriculum or course of

                          o  Example sentence:
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