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TARGET 2: 7 things to do before you graduate college | Liz Wessel | TEDxRutgers


                   1.  Graduate:

                          o  Pronunciation: ˈɡræʤuɪt noun - ˈɡræʤuˌeɪt verb
                          o  Meaning: To successfully complete a course of study or training, typically by

                              receiving a degree or diploma.
                          o  Example sentence:

                              -  She will graduate from college next spring with honors in psychology.

                              -  After years of hard work, he finally achieved his dream and became a
                                 graduate of law school.

                              -  The graduate program offers a diverse range of courses for students

                                 pursuing advanced degrees in engineering.
                   2.  College:

                          o  Pronunciation: ˈkɑlɪʤ
                          o  Meaning: An institution of higher learning, typically offering undergraduate

                              and sometimes postgraduate education and often having the power to confer

                          o  Example sentence:

                              -  College is a place of higher education where students pursue academic
                                 studies and professional training.

                              -  Attending college provides individuals with opportunities for personal
                                 growth, career advancement, and expanded knowledge.

                              -  Many colleges offer diverse programs, including liberal arts, sciences,
                                 business, engineering, and vocational training, catering to a wide range of

                                 student interests and career goals.

                   3.  Senior year:
                          o  Pronunciation: ˈsinjər jɪr

                          o  Meaning: The final year of high school or college.

                          o  Example sentence:
                              -  Senior year typically marking a significant milestone in a student's

                                 academic journey.
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