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                5.  Equitable:
                       o  Pronunciation: /ˈɛkwɪtəbəl/

                       o  Meaning: Treating everyone fairly and in the same way
                       o  Example sentence: In addition, unequal access to such services, such as for rural

                           populations and disadvantaged groups, could be improved through more

                           equitable financing.
                           -  0.42  : We say we want colleges to be more equitable,

                           -  11.23  : we will make higher education equitable once and for all.
                6.  Transformational:

                       o  Pronunciation: /ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃənəl/
                       o  Meaning: Able to produce a big change or improvement in a situation

                       o  Example sentence:

                           -  0.48 We say we want colleges to be more equitable, transformational, and

                           -  A transformational acquisition/deal/merger
                           -  A transformational strategy/reform/step

                7.  Accessible:

                       o  Pronunciation: /ækˈsɛsəbəl/
                       o  Meaning: Able to be reached or easily obtained.

                       o  Example sentence: The building has fast internet accessible to subscribers.
                           -  0.50: More accessible


                8.  College professor:
                       o  Pronunciation: ˈkɑlɪʤ prəˈfɛsər

                       o  Meaning: A person who teaches at a college or university.
                       o  Example sentence: Grace is a college professor with some unusual ideas about

                           parenting. Houston Chronicle (2004).
                           -  04: I'm a college professor
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