Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022_Neat
P. 10

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 08 | August 2022

           a part of his family. Here at Sam, our   standards and ourselves constantly,   Gold is also looked upon as a symbol
           primary investment and main asset is  both individually and collectively,   of status, as an investment product
           manpower.                         as an organisation. We have been   to hedge against risk; it is also
                                             closely working on the development   something that is used as a gifting
           How much is Sam Precious Metals   of our staff; if one goes to our   item in marriages and rituals, and it
           concerned about the environmental   LinkedIn page, they will see our staff   is something that is considered to be
           effects and trying to take steps to   posting about new courses that they   very pious or auspicious as it brings
           conserve energy and curb the amount   are doing and new training they are   in good luck and good fortune. So,
           of pollution?                     undertaking and collectively, as a   when you talk about the gold market
           Mr Sadi: Absolutely, no waste goes   team, we are focusing on enhancing   in India, it’s tremendous, and Sam is
           out of our factories. All the solid   the skillset of our manpower. As   a massive player in India already.
           waste is sent to ash refineries where   Mr Ahmad said, the heart of the
           it is recycled; we have a recycling   organisation is the people we are   You will see our bars with almost all
           plant for water within our factory   working with, so while they are   the big dealers here. With the launch
           itself, so there is no drop of water   contributing to our development, we   of IIBX, we hope to be a major player
           going out of our factory that is   should also contribute towards their   in this endeavour. With CEPA, we
           polluted or above the prescribed limit   development. This is something we   have a significant role to play as we
           by the government. We have a lot of   are focusing on.              are one of the refiners in the UAE,
           regulators coming over to check our                                 having the necessary accreditations.
           systems.                          How do you see the Indian bullion
                                             market and its potential for players   Since you know how regulated this
           We still believe, as a team, there’s   like Sam Precious Metals?    commodity is, how do you see the
           a lot we have to do, Sam is not an   Mr Sadi: India is one of the largest   regulatory and compliance framework
           organisation that will be satisfied with  consumers of gold; on an average,   changing in favour of demands?
           what we have achieved and say we   800 tonnes are imported every year.   Mr Sadi: For Sam, it is not about
           have the best yet because we know   Some data was published last year,   regulation and framework; it comes
           that our dreams and goals are much   which said that in 2021, about 1,067   from the heart. These are the words
           higher. When we get a certificate or   tonnes of gold were imported into   of our chairman, and he says, ‘I don’t
           accreditation, we look to what’s next.  India. Of course, gold consumption   need a book or a law to tell me what
                                             in India is also enormous. India has   is right and wrong. I know it in my
           You keep raising the benchmark?   traditionally been a huge market,   heart.’ So that is the vision he has
           Mr Sadi: Absolutely, we as an     and there are many reasons why    imparted to us, and we are following
           organisation believe that every day   there’s a high demand for gold; there   that.
           is a new learning, a new challenge,   are a lot of customs, traditions and
           and we want to keep improving our   passion for gold.

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