Page 13 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 08 | August 2022

                                                                               media, I feel like everyone is pretty
                                                                               much briefed and that doesn’t
                                                                               necessarily mean we have less to
                                                                               talk about, it just means that we can
                                                                               build on it and come up with different

                                                                               Can you share some insights into
                                                                               the trade flow of bullion in and out of
                                                                               DGCX traded 120 thousand
                                                                               contracts last year and 11.6 billion
                                                                               dollars of nominal value;
                                                                               I haven’t looked into the physical
           Dubai and UAE in the gold trade   So apart from gold, DMCC focuses
           and refining business growing     on many Indian-based commodities   We feel proud that the world is
           significantly with the bilateral   where many trade opportunities exist?   looking to India and the UAE as a
           agreements with India recently. Also,   We’re one flight away from three or   benchmark, given that other markets
           India has lowered the import duties   four of the central regions of India. I   are struggling with either gold
           by 1%, which would translate into   visited India as a teenager with my   manipulation or court cases, and I’m
           the business flow.                father to see the TATA facilities, I   happy to see us moving forward. I’m
                                             was surprised to see TATA watches,   very impressed with India standing
           How do you see CEPA boosts the    and now I hear they’re into jewellery.   its ground and pushing forward
           bilateral trade between India and UAE   I’m excited to revisit them. I feel   and building more relationships
           in jewellery and bullion trade?   like there is a lot to hear from the   worldwide, taking advantage of the
           We could see a lot of changes going   tech side. We recently started a   challenges and bringing up solutions.
           forward. In the past, LBMA would   partnership with Crop data, and   From a manufacturing standpoint,
           talk about the market in the UAE and   wherever we feel there is a gap in   they’re a strong partner the world
           say that the Indian market trusts the   the market, it’s an opportunity to   needs, and I think it’s understated
           gold from the UAE more than from   provide a service.               what India brings to the table.
                                             As far as DMCC is concerned, we   What is your take on the India Gold
           Once a former chief executive of the   want to ride the wave along with   Conference?
           LBMA talked about Indian purchasing   India and grow with them. We have   I’m excited; I like the setup. I see
           gold from the gold souk of Dubai   enjoyed the partnership with them   some familiar names as sponsors.
           because they trusted it. However,   so much that when we interact with   We’re here for more than the
           the business landscape is changing   others with similar strengths to India,   conference; we’re here to develop a
           in India. Tourism has improved a   we tell them to use our relationship   healthy relationship.
           lot between the two countries. Two   with India as a benchmark.
           countries share lots of connections.
           To say my late grandfather lived   It has been ten years since you’ve
           here for about 20 years. He was a   been to India; how have you seen the
           journalist; he spoke Hindi, Arabic and   Indian bullion market change since
           English. What excites me is that apart   then?
           from gold, we’ve progressed so much   I have to be honest with you; I
           in our tea business, which has much   feel my age a little bit from those
           to do with our Indian members. We’re   days, and I see a lot more maturity,
           also now prominent in the coffee   and I think it’s due to the flow
           business; we’ve launched the DMCC   of information, whether it’s from
           coffee centre.                    Facebook, Instagram or other social

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