Page 22 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 11 November 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 11 | November 2022

               which comprised of leading ASM    these processors and intermediate   appraisal of the significant barriers
               practitioners and GDL refiners. The   refiners, which would ideally include   that perpetuate the sector’s
               members provided generous and     joint efforts to raise standards among  marginalisation – including those
               constructive feedback on the first   ASM suppliers.                 created by its own Responsible Gold
               draft of the report.                                                Guidance
                                                 Key Recommendation 4: LBMA
               LBMA would like to thank them for   should encourage GDL refiners to   In response to the key
               their insights, as well as our industry   explore sourcing ASM gold from   recommendations made in the
               partners – most especially from   intermediate refiners on the RMI’s   report, the Board accepts them
               within the Responsible Minerals   RMAP conformance list.            and has developed a high-level
               Initiative (RMI) and 2 World Gold                                   delivery plan to act upon them.
               Council (WGC) – who shared their   Key Recommendation 5: LBMA       The overall recommendations
               experiences and lessons learned   and its members, in conjunction   strongly correspond to the strategic
               from their engagements with the   with other stakeholders where     ambitions of LBMA to incorporate
               ASM sector. Finally, we would like   appropriate, should define the   responsible ASM gold into the
               to thank the independent report   criteria and requirements that would   feedstock of its Good Delivery List
               authors, Gregory Mthembu-Salter   enable GDL refiners to source     (GDL) refiners.
               and Dr Tom Salter, for the thought   artisanal gold from processors and
               and dedication they brought to    intermediate refiners. These criteria   In endorsing the conclusions and
               this project, through research and   should be consistent with the RMI’s   recommendations of the report,
               interviews.                       RMAP auditing requirements. Those   LBMA does not seek to solve all the
                                                 that meet these requirements      problems faced by the ASM sector –
               Key Recommendations               should form part of a new GDL     including those of reputational risks
               Key Recommendation 1: LBMA        for processors and intermediate   and the current economic model that
               should engage with its GDL        refiners.                         favours both the illicit trade and the
               members to establish in more                                        recycled market.
               detail what they are or should be   Key Recommendation 6: LBMA
               looking for from regulatory regimes   should take a lead in exploring how   That said, the report is a first step
               for ASGM, and then engage with    it and its members can begin to   toward promoting new engagement
               governments, civil society and other   move beyond the current largely   and sourcing alternatives to GDL
               stakeholders in ASGM producing    compliance-based approach to      refiners and ASM suppliers. Progress
               countries to seek to secure the   ASGM engagement, towards a        will be slow and will require LBMA
               reforms required to achieve these   shared commitment to progressive   to better understand imperfection
               regimes. This task may be more    improvement via mentoring and     and the efforts to mitigate
               effective if conducted in conjunction   other partnerships, such as are   shortcomings as sourcing practices
               with donor governments and/or the   envisaged in the OECD Responsible   into responsible supply chains. It will
               UN funded programme PlanetGold.   Minerals guidance. This should    require extensive outreach in 2023
                                                 include revisiting the language and   and beyond to listen and learn from
               Key Recommendation 2: LBMA should   approach of the Responsible Gold   new and existing ASM partners,
               explore collaboration with the WGC   Guidance (RGG).                most notably producer governments.
               and other stakeholders to clarify the
               necessary and desirable regulatory   LBMA Board Response to ASM     To read the detailed report on :
               conditions to encourage ASM/      Feasibility Study                 Towards an LBMA Good Delivery
               LSM co-operation, including in the   All Members of the Board found the   List for Artisanal and Small-Scale
                                                                                   Responsibly Mined Gold scan the QR
               production of responsibly mined ASM   independent report prepared by   code given below
               gold. This would in turn encourage   Gregory Mthembu-Salter and
               GDL sourcing of ASM gold.         Dr Tom Salter to be a comprehensive
                                                 overview of the main sourcing
               Key Recommendation 3: LBMA        challenges and obstacles facing
               should encourage GDL refiners to   the ASM sector. The Board agrees
               develop long-term relationships with   with their frank and realistic


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