Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 01 May 2022_Neat
P. 10

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 01 | May 2022

           Q- What is the cause of worry in   if the scrap gold will be coming
           the provision made under this     just on 0% import duty, our whole
           section (Scrap gold)?             import will depend on scrap gold
           Mr Chandu Siroya: There are a     only. It will affect a lot of refineries
           lot of talks going on in the bullion   and banks. And if there is going to
           circle in India and the UAE.      be a 40% value addition, we cannot
           According to the section mentioned   import at that value.
           here, there is no import duty to
           import scrap gold into India from   IBJA has already put a letter to the
           the UAE. If this truly is true, it will   ministry to clarify this 0% customs   as good as non-operative except if
           be a game-changer because we      duty, 40% value addition and from   there is some scrap you may have
           will have a lot of scrap gold going   where it all will come. But I think it’s   because of the refining process.
           into the Indian market from the   only 0% duty on concentrated gold,
           UAE. We have to wait and watch.   which contains significantly less   Specifically, what are the rules of
           But as it stands under the law, all   content of gold.              origin say to it?
           scrap gold is free of duty.                                         Mr Bhargava Vaidya: Rules
                                             Mr Bhargava Vaidya: Looking at    of origin here say there should
           Q- What are your views towards    Indian customs, it will be impossible  be a local manufacturing set-
           this scarp? Your comments,        to operate at this clause, even if   up that satisfies as it is actual
           please.                           any scrap is allowed. We also have   manufacturing. Again, the customs
           Mr Prithviraj Kothari: The 0% duty   one line that we have followed   will say, this is not a scrap. This is
           scrap you are talking about, a 40%   every clause and the intention of   a waste that can be recycled very
           value is added to it. So, it is not   the agreement in the spirit and   easily. So, it’s better to wait for the
           possible that one can sell gold in   later, in which we have to give a   custom and trade to come with
           India after adding 40% of its value   declaration to customs, and the   a clarification; no need to fear or
           addition. I don’t think any country   customs will always find a fault. So,   go into the wrong court. I request
           will send scrap gold after 0 import   I think there will be a clarification   Kothari jee to get IBJA into it and
           duty but 40% value addition. And   to the contrary, but this clause is   get more clarification.

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