Page 12 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 01 May 2022_Neat
P. 12

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 01 | May 2022

           It is said provisions made under
           7106 are perfect for growing
           the silver business in India, your
           view on this?
           Mr Prithviraj Kothari: If we reduce
           the customs duty or tariff value
           under silver, it will be well and
           good. India imports more than
           5000 tons of silver. There are
           various refineries also here. If this
           is allowed, we can compete with
           anyone anywhere.

           What is the trend of silver import
           from the UAE? Will this provision
           enables the growth of silver
           bullion from the UAE, and will    to do more, especially from the   an advantage but not so great.
           the refineries in UAE will be     second year when there is a clear
           enthusiastic about it?            difference of 1                   Mr Bhargava: You will not see
           Mr Pramod Mohan: Currently,                                         a lot of silver flowing in as the
           silver is never a strong point for   Mr Srinivasan:100%. Right now,   basic infrastructure is smaller.
           UAE refiners in the last couple of   there is not much silver jewellery   We may find that some small bars
           years. It’s always been gold, but   exported to UAE. But the moment   coming elsewhere in the world
           in the previous 1-2 years, one    there is no duty trading, that will   may be better supplied by the UAE
           or two refiners have been very    start happening for sure.         refinery. Maybe after 2-3 years,
           active on the silver side, especially   Mr Siroya: Dubai is not a very big   when the differential is more than
           on the small bars and the silver   silver market. There is hardly any   2-3%, this .5% will do nothing to
           coins. They have been importing   silver scrap in UAE. So, to export   change. Once you have 2-3% of the
           silver into India regularly. So   to India, the refiners will have to   differential, you will find something
           definitely, this duty differential   import silver bars or scrap jewellery   interesting in silver.
           would incentivise those refiners   from other countries. So, I think it is

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