Page 14 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 9 September 2023_Neat
P. 14

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 9 | September 2023

           •   All dealers have to register under;            The speaker made note of the Anti-Money laundering
           1.  Category A – engage in non-cash transaction    measures implemented in India given below
              at HK$120000 or above                           •   The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967
           2.  Category B – engage in cash transaction        •   The Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002
           3.  at HK$120000 or above                          •   The Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery
           4.  Concept of fit & proper business entity           Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005
                                                              •   United Nations Security Council resolutions.
           HONGKONG (APG)                                     •   Instructions by RBI/CBEC/FIU
           •   Anti-money laundering laws – Federal Decree
              No. 20 of 2018                                  MILESTONES
           •   Cabinet resolution no. 24 of 2022              •   Included DPMS in PMLA Act, 2002
           •   Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Report   •   Prevention of Money Laundering (Maintenance of
              ( DPMSR) w.e.f 12th June, 2021.                    Records) Rules, 2005 (PMLR)
           •   All DPMS are obligated to report transactions   •   Liability to report notified on 28th December, 2020.
              exceeding AED 55,000 in cash or wire transfers   •   Issued guidelines on AML standards, CFT & PF
              (in specified cases)                               obligations for DPMS on 4th May, 2023.

           INDIA - FATF                                       Action to be taken by DPMS
           •   Lead Ministry/Authority in the FATF Delegation  •   KYC / Client Due Diligence (CDD) – Ultimate
              – Ministry of Finance: Department of Economics Affairs   Beneficial owner
                                                              •   Internal policies, procedures & controls
           Other Ministries / Authorities                     •   Training of staff and other stakeholders
             – Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC)     •   Risk based Assessment
             – Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)              •   Reporting of suspicious transactions
             – Ministry of Law and Justice

           Mr Surendra Mehta,                Q & A Session:
           National Secretary, IBJA,         Questions- As advance payment
           thanked Mr Vaidya and Mr Rajarshi   on the import of gold is not allowed.
           for the insightful information about the   How does this correlate to the PMLA
           PMLA Act and regulations. Further,   regulations?
           the speaker explained that the law of
           PMLA clearly states that any amount   Mr Bhargava Vaidya- Well, as we
           above 10 lakh rupees in a month,   all know, when currency or forex is
           which is a cash transaction (single   imported, there cannot be any form
           or multiple), must be reported to the   of advance payment associated with
           FIU. Any suspicious transactions   it. The same logic of currencies is
           must also be reported; all dealers   applied to the import of gold.
           with a turnover of more than 500
           crore must appoint a nodal officer   What can be done or implemented
           from their offices. Dealers with a   for the small jewellers to restrict   Mr Surendra Mehta
           turnover of less than 500 crore must   them from dealing in cash sales
           be affiliated with an association, and   as there are a lot of unaccounted
           that association must coordinate with   records especially amongst the   difficult for any regulatory authority to
           the PMLA regulators               small business owners?            oversee the transactions of each and
                                                                               every jeweller. As explained in the
                                             Mr Surendra Mehta- As there       presentation, only a turnover of more
                                             are close to 3 or 4 lakh jewellers in   than 500 crore businesses must get
                                             the bullion industry, it can be very   themselves registered.

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