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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 9 | September 2023

          Keynote Address at IGC 2023

           Transforming the Gold Industry:

           A Vision for the Future

           Mr David Tait, Chief Executive Officer-World Gold Council

           •   Good morning and thank you for   institutional level (at least in the
              inviting me to speak. It is my first   western part of the world).
              time at India Gold Conference
              and this beautiful city of Kolkata.    •   We know, from our own
              My name is David Tait, CEO of     research, that 50% of people
              the World Gold Council.           don’t trust gold, which has led to
                                                warnings not to buy the product
           •   Before taking the role as the    from regulators. I asked myself,
              CEO of the WGC, I spent 35        who could I turn to check the
              years in investment banking and   Integrity of the product?
              HF’s - GS, BC and lastly Credit
              Suisse.                        •   Second, it was clear that 60
                                                % of people literally don’t
           •   During my last 5 years at Credit   understand gold or how to safely
              Suisse, I ran the firm’s Global   access or invest in the asset,
              Macro division, overseeing Int    again leading to warnings not to
              Rates, FX, Commodities and        buy the product from regulators.        Mr David Tait
              Electronic trading.               I was left asking, where do I go    Chief Executive Officer
                                                or how do I safely access this
           •   But most significantly, I was    product 24-7?
              also the person who shut
              down Commodities trading at    •   Third, I recognised a highly
              CS – which obviously included     fragmented global gold market.
              precious metals.                  I have likened it to medieval
                                                England, with various Kings
           •   Why? Because it was simply too   and fiefdoms ruling over their    for our industry’s future? Has its
              difficult, risky and expensive to   own patch, working together     development been little more
              be involved with.                 in a haphazard and inefficient    than Darwinism?
           •   But, at the time it wasn’t my job                               •   Incidentally, I was recently asked
              to figure out why it was difficult,   •   I was confused - why were   by a journalist: “what does this
              risky and expensive.              the markets not joined up and     Utopia you imagine look like for
                                                Fungible and hence much more      the gold industry? And I said, I
           •   I simply saved myself $1/2 bio   attractive to global investors and   can see that very clearly in my
              and improved my ROC, just by      asset managers?                   mind.
              closing the operation.
                                             •   And finally, there appeared a   •   I see a totally secure, immutable,
           •   However, now it is my job, and   lack of Global Governance and     totally inclusive global ecosystem
              the job of the WGC to figure out   regulatory oversight - unlike    for all gold, presided over by
              why.                              other parts of the financial      utterly trusted gatekeepers, such
                                                market, there is no overarching   that people know for certain that
           •   So, with this in mind, after I   entity or body drawn from the     their gold has unimpeachable
              joined the WGC, I recognised      entire supply chain working       credentials.
              four issues.                      for and on behalf of the gold
                                                industry.                      •   I see a time when it is
           •   First, I recognised a huge lack                                    understood by all, that only
              of trust in gold both at retail and   •   I asked – Who’s got responsibility   gold from this ecosystem is

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