Page 40 - Bullion World Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2022
P. 40

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 07 | July 2022

           c) Bank Financing                 B2B contract with other miners for   Refineries in India will serve as
                                             imports. Furthermore, administrative   collection, testing, and assaying
           Indian banks do not lend advance
           payments for dore imports, so     complexity is associated with     centres. They will also be in charge
           aggregators facilitate import     responsible dore sourcing, making   of providing gold to banks for use in
           finance. In most cases, small/    it impossible for a single refiner to   leasing under the GML. The R-GMS
           medium refiners do not have much   tackle this issue.               allows all Scheduled Commercial
           bargaining power regarding contract   e) Export Regulations         Banks (SCBs) to act as custodians,
           terms. Because banks do not lend                                    but only BIS-approved refiners
                                             Because India prohibits the export   can refine this gold, benefiting the
           for dore imports, refiners' money is
                                             of pure bars, significant mines are   entire sector. Notably, the scheme's
           frequently locked up for months due
                                             hesitant to sign long-term contracts   deposits can now be dematerialised
           to imports and related formalities.
                                             with Indian refineries for the outright   (converted to a digital certificate),
           Indian or international banks should
                                             selling of doré. Export of refined gold   making them tradeable and
           ideally finance such transactions.
                                             bar, which is not allowed now by law,   mortgageable.
           However, all refineries in India are
                                             could expand the market for Indian
           now self-sufficient. Furthermore,                                   Furthermore, allowing banks to
                                             refiners and reduce the volatility of
           gold importers are considered                                       purchase locally made IGD bars
                                             demand as they would stop relying
           nominated agencies, whereas gold                                    and accept GML payments in Indian
                                             only on domestic demand.
           doré importers are not. As a result,                                refined gold will eliminate the need to
           gold doré cannot be imported on a   This is because, during times of   lease gold from outside. If R-GMS is
           consignment basis.                disparity in prices, suddenly, Indian   implemented with appropriate bank
                                             mines may not be able to buy dore   incentives, input supply disruptions
           d) Sourcing of Dore
                                             since they will have to sell at a   may be reduced.
           Dore gold can only be obtained    discount.
           from a few countries because seven
           of the world's largest twelve gold                                  The way forward
           mining countries prohibit the export   A prominent role for IGD Refiner -   There is no doubting that
           of doré bars. The remaining five   A Need for an hour               policymakers and other stakeholders
           countries, as well as several other   Before 2020, only LBMA-accredited   recognise the significance of a rising
           countries with minor production,   99.5% purity gold bars were      domestic gold refining business.
           have contractual obligations with   accepted for delivery by domestic   The Association of Gold Refineries
           foreign banks from whom they have   commodity exchanges. However,   and Mints (AGRM) has made a few
           borrowed money only to have their   the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)   recommendations to the government
           doré refined by toll refineries in   created the India Good Delivery   on the issues mentioned above,
           countries such as Switzerland.    Standards (IGDS) in 2020 to help   which might be addressed to provide
                                             support the government's objective   India with world-class refineries and
                                             of Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-reliant   eventually become the world's gold
           Due to a lack of indigenous supply of
                                             India).                           price setter.
           dore or scrap, most Indian refiners
           have to rely on imports of gold
           dore, which regularly causes supply   The Indian government should
           interruptions. The limited availability   promote an 'Indian Gold Delivery'
           of dore on the global market is due   (IGD), which would compete with
           to the practice of captive mining   LBMA certification in foreign and
           in many gold-rich countries. Given   domestic markets. If the correct laws
           the circumstances, the majority of   are in place, Indian refiners with IGD
           Indian refiners, due to their small   will be allowed to play a prominent
           size and variable demand compared   role under the Revised Gold
           to the other players in the global   Monetization Scheme (R-GMS).
           dore market, cannot enter into a

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