Page 25 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2023_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023

           Recent Developments at India

           International Bullion Exchange

           Mr Ashok Gautam, MD & CEO, IIBX

           India International Bullion Exchange   995/UAEGD GOLD 999/ UAEGDTRQ
           (IIBX) fulfills India's aspirations of   GOLD 995/ UAEGDTRQ GOLD 999)
           having its own International Bullion   and currently has six physical spot gold
           Exchange. IIBX was inaugurated by   T+0 contracts operating under LBMA
           the Honourable Prime Minister of India,   and UAEGD (CEPA & NON CEPA).
           Shri Narendra Modi on July 29th, 2022,   IIBX plans to enhance its product suite,
           showcasing its importance for India's   including the introduction of gold metal
           global presence in the bullion market.   loan and/or lease products, repo of BDR
           IIBX is promoted by prominent Market   against US Dollars and the addition of
           Infrastructure Institutions like NSE, INDIA   silver imports through IIBX subject to
           INX (subsidiary of BSE), NSDL, CDSL,   requisite approvals.
           and MCX bringing the credibility and
           expertise.                        In a noteworthy development, GIFT City
                                             SEZ is the first SEZ in our country where
           With the advent of IIBX, Qualified   ICEGATE has been implemented. This
           Jewellers (QJs) in India now can directly   integration enables the smooth import   Mr Ashok Gautam
           import bullion through the exchange.   of gold in the DTA region for Qualified
           QJs can import gold through IIBX   Jewellers where Gold under Tariff Rate   IIBX since start of every 30 minute
           coming in as clients or limited purpose   Quota can also be imported with due   settlement process.
           trading members. Leading 101 bullion   concessional duty rates. Since ICEGATE
           dealers and jewellers have already joined   integration IIBX is seeing a renewed   Now the Qualified Jewellers can take
           IIBX, with many applications currently   spurt and a decent quantity gold import   the physical gold out the same day of
           in process. Bullion is stored in IFSCA   has taken place through IIBX. IIBX has   the trade after completion of necessary
           approved vaults at GIFT IFSC. Three   extended its sincere appreciation to the   customs processes.
           international players Loomis, Brinks   DG (Systems), CBIC, Senior DC Office
           and Malca-Amit have set up vaults   at GIFT SEZ, DGFT, and IFSCA for their   With ICEGATE TRQ holders who are
           with total capacity of 450 tons for Gold   invaluable guidance and support, which   Qualified Jewellers have started taking
           and 4500 tons for Silver. These vaults   expedited the ICEGATE implementation   out Gold through IIBX using the benefits
           are empaneled by India International   within a remarkably short timeframe.   of Tariff Rate Quota issued by DGFT.
           Depository IFSC Limited (IIDI). On IIBX,   This development ensures that volumes   DGFT has also enabled non Qualified
           bullion is traded in the form of Bullion   at IIBX now are poised to increase   Jewellers to change their nominated
           Depository Receipts (BDRs), which   manifold.                       agency in favour of Qualified Jewellers of
           necessitates a Demat account being                                  the IIBX in Tariff Rate Quota Certificate.
           opened with IIDI wherein BDRs are   Distinguishing itself on a global scale,
           credited in respective Demat accounts.  IIBX becomes the world's first bullion   In conclusion the recent developments at
                                             exchange to offer settlements of   India International Bullion Exchange have
           One of the most significant advantages   Bullion Depository Receipts (BDRs)   ensured that both Qualified Jewellers
           offered by IIBX is the direct access   every 30 minutes. This groundbreaking   and Qualified Suppliers get immense
           provided to global bullion banks, refiners,   achievement was made possible after   benefits from IIBX eco system. We are
           and traders, whereby seamless bullion   thorough assessments and approval   sure that large number of Jewellers and
           trade transactions in US Dollar are   of the Exchange's operational and   Bullion Dealers will get associated  with
           facilitated with Indian bullion buyers.   technical readiness by the regulator,   IIBX to get the benefits brought in by the
           GIFT IFSC area also allows for duty free   IFSCA. The every 30 minute settlement   IIBX. The journey has just begun and
           re-export of bullion for these international   has been well received by the market.   we are also working on new product
           players.                          We are proud to announce that end user   features and introduction of Silver at
                                             jewellers from Srinagar in North, Kolkata   IIBX soon. IIBX continues to strive hard
           IIBX offers both 995 and 999 bars (Gold   in East, Kozhikode in South and Surat in   and relentlessly to bring value to the
           995/Gold Mini 999/UAEGD GOLD      West have taken delivery of Gold through   Jewellers and bullion dealers.

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