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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023

           The Future of Digital Gold in India:

           Opportunities & Challenges

           Mr Anirudh Pramod Menon, Director - FINMET Technologies Pvt Ltd

           Digital gold, also known as e-gold,   and more convenient for investors
           is a digital form of investment that   to buy and sell gold digitally, further
           allows individuals to invest in gold   driving the growth of digital gold in
           electronically. It enables investors to   India. This move could potentially
           buy and sell gold without physically   increase the appeal of digital gold as
           owning or storing it. Digital gold is   a viable investment option, especially
           backed by physical gold reserves   since physical gold remains a
           and investors can buy digital gold in   preferred investment tool for Indians.
           small denominations, which makes
           it affordable for individual investors   It appears that jewellers are not
           who may not have the resources    just keeping up with the digital age
           to invest in the physical metal.   but also using it to their advantage.
           While gold has long been a popular   Although the convenience of buying
           investment choice among Indians,   has had an impact on the growth
           digital gold seems to slowly gain   of digital gold, consumers are still
           its footing as a legitimate choice of   wary of these unregulated providers.   Mr Anirudh Pramod Menon
           investment.                       The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
                                             has expressed concerns over the   individual investors and commercial
           A recent survey by Axis My India   lack of regulation in the digital gold   participants along the value chain
           on India Investment Behavior1,    market and has warned investors   to buy and sell gold, including
           confirms this by shedding some light   to be cautious when investing in   importers, banks, refiners, bullion
           into the budding digital gold market.   this asset class. SEBI has restricted   traders, jewellery manufacturers,
           According to the survey, 65% of   regulated entities from offering digital   and retailers. The National Stock
           Indians invest a part of their income,   gold as it does not fall under the   Exchange (NSE) in India is looking
           with more than 53% choosing gold   definition of a security, as per the   to introduce electronic gold receipts
           as an investment tool. However,   Securities Contract (Regulation)   (EGRs) on its platform, following
           the survey revealed that only 10%   act, 1956 (SCRA)3 . However, SEBI   the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
           of people have invested in digital   has approved a product very similar   which launched EGR trading in
           gold, while 35% showed awareness   to digital gold… Electronic Gold   October 2021  .
           towards it.                       Receipts.
                                                                               As the popularity of digital gold
           The report further revealed that   EGRs are depository gold receipts   continues to grow in India, it's
           only 15% of youngsters would      that can be traded like stocks    clear that this asset class has the
           invest in digital gold. Trust seems   and are held in Demat accounts.   potential to revolutionize the way
           to be the most important factor   The trading exchange holds the    people invest in gold. With increasing
           when it comes to buying gold with   underlying value of the receipt in   awareness and adoption of digital
           54% of people saying they would   physical gold in a vault. EGRs, like   modes of investment, the future of
           consider investing in digital gold if a   digital gold can be converted into   digital gold in India certainly appears
           government-backed company made    physical gold when needed. EGR’s   promising. However, as with any
           the process simpler. Companies    do however differ from digital gold,   emerging market, there are risks and
           such as Paytm and PhonePe have    as EGRs can only be bought on     challenges that must be addressed.
           emerged as major players in the   exchanges whereas investors can   It will be fascinating to see how the
           Indian digital payments market,   buy digital gold on a plethora of   industry evolves and matures over
           with over 100 million users daily.   platforms. Digital gold is also treated   the next few years, and whether the
           Digital gold providers MMTC PAMP   as a commodity for tax purposes,   government takes steps to regulate
           and Safegold have partnered with   and investors are liable to pay capital   and support the growth of this new
           payment providers such as PhonePe   gains tax on any profits earned from   asset class. Only time will tell how
           to offer users the ability to purchase   trading or selling digital 3.  digital gold will shape the future of
           and store digital gold on 1                                         India's investment landscape.
                                             The introduction of EGRs on the NSE
           These platforms have made it easier   (National Stock Exchange) will allow

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