Page 34 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2023_Neat
P. 34

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023

           Environmental Initiatives

            Companies/      Climate Change   Water           Biodiversity     Waste            Environmental
            Initiatives     Mitigation       Stewardship     Conservation     Management       Compliance

            Newmont         12% reduction in   Reduced       Rehabilitated over  75% waste     100%
            Corporation.    Scope 1 and 27%   freshwater     8,500 hectares of  recycling rate.  compliance with
                            reduction in Scope  consumption   disturbed land.                  environmental
            Mines: United   2 greenhouse gas  by 8% & Water                                    regulations and
            States, Australia,   emissions.  recycling rate of                                 permits.
            Peru, Ghana.                     77%.

            Barrick Gold    Reduced energy   Reduced water   Restoration      15% reduction in   100%
                            consumption by   consumption by   of over 5,000   waste generation.  compliance with
            Mines: United   11%              8%              hectares of land.                 environmental
            States, Argentina,                                                                 regulations and
            Dominic Republic. 12% reduction in   Water recycling   Rehabilitated over          permits.
                            greenhouse gas   rate of 88%.    1,500 hectares of
                            emissions.                       disturbed land.                   10% reduction in

            Newcrest        12% reduction    Reduced water   Rehabilitated 500  Achieved a 20%   100% compliance
            Mining          in energy        consumption by   hectares of land.  reduction in waste  across operational
                            consumption.     18%.                             generation.      sites.
            Mines: Australia,                                Planted more than
            Papua New       10% decrease in   Recycled       100,000 native   Achieved a waste   Zero significant
            Guinea, Indonesia,  greenhouse gas   and reused   trees and plants.  recycling rate of   environmental
            Canada.         emissions.       approximately                    80%.             incidents or spills.
                                             85% of the water.

            McMoRan         25% reduction in   20% increase in   Restoration of   30% reduction   100% compliance
                            greenhouse gas   water recycling.  500 acres of land.  in total waste   across operational
            Mines: Indonesia,  emissions.                                     generated.       sites.
            United States,                   100% of water   Rehabilitated
            Peru, Chile,    Reduction in     samples meeting   80% of disturbed  40% increase in   Zero significant
            Democratic      climate-related   regulatory     land             recycling rates  environmental
            Republic of     disruptions by   requirements                                      incidents or spills.
            Congo.          30%.

            Kinross         Reduced Scope 1   Achieved a 10%   Restoration of 50   Waste recycling   The average
                            and 2 greenhouse  reduction in water  acres of wetlands. rate of 80%.  environmental
            Mines: Brazil,   gas emissions by   consumption.                                   compliance rate
            Russia,         15%.                             Rehabilitated                     of 95% across all
            Mauritania, United                               200 hectares of                   sites.
            States, Ghana.                                   disturbed land.

            Gold Fields     Reduced energy   30% reduction   Preserving 500   25% reduction in   100% compliance
                            consumption by   in freshwater   hectares of critical  waste generation.  rate.
            Mines: South    15%.             consumption.    habitat.
            Africa, Ghana,
            Peru, Australia.  20% reduction in               Rehabilitated
                            greenhouse gas                   100 hectares of
                            emissions.                       disturbed land.

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