Page 32 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2023_Neat
P. 32

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023

           Despite the projected increase in   times and 1.4 times, respectively,   likely to continue in FY2024 with an
           debt levels to fund the inventory   estimated in FY2023.            estimated increase in store count
           for new stores, the debt protection   After a brief hiatus in FY2021 and   by 18-20% YoY. Consequently,
           metrics for the larger players are   FY2022 owing to the pandemic-  the inventory turnover ratio for the
           estimated to remain comfortable, as   induced uncertainties, the organised   sector is likely to remain under some
           reflected by the estimated interest   jewellers accelerated their retail   pressure over the next couple of
           coverage of more than 5.0 times and   expansion in FY2023 with the store   years as new stores have an average
           total outside liabilities to tangible net   count of ICRA’s sample set estimated   breakeven period of 12-18 months.
           worth ratio of less than 1.5 times over   to have risen by more than 20%
           the next 12-18 months, against 5.6   during the year. The momentum is

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