Page 33 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2023_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023

           Sustainability in the Gold Industry: Exploring

           a Path to Responsible Practices

           Mr Shubham Kumar, Manager, Eventell Global Advisory PVT. LTD.

           Sustainable development refers to   In this series of articles, we delve   mining industry, several prominent
           development that meets the needs   into the world of sustainability in the   companies have emerged as
           of the present without compromising   gold industry, shedding light on the   leaders in sustainable practices,
           the ability of future generations to   efforts made by various stakeholders   striving to forge a path towards
           meet their own needs. It includes   to create a more responsible and   responsible extraction. These
           satisfying basic needs, equality of   environmentally conscious sector.   mining entities have recognized
           all actors, and integrating various   We aim to provide a comprehensive   the urgent need to address their
           development components. Respect   overview of the industry's        operations' environmental and social
           for the environment is necessary for   sustainability landscape.    impacts, and have embarked on
           sustainable development, but it will                                transformative journeys towards
           not be an end in itself.          THE MINING INDUSTRY               sustainability. By understanding
                                             - Where it all begins.            the sustainability initiatives
           The gold industry, known for its   At the very foundation of the gold   undertaken by key mining players,
           allure and timeless appeal, has   industry lies the mining sector,   we aim to shed light on the positive
           long been associated with wealth   where the journey from raw       transformations taking place and
           and luxury. However, behind the   material to refined gold begins.   the ongoing work to ensure a
           shimmering façade lies a complex   Mining companies, driven by the   more environmentally and socially
           web of environmental and social   pursuit of this precious metal,   responsible mining industry.
           challenges. As the global demand   significantly impact the environment
           for gold continues to rise, it    and surrounding communities.      We have compiled various
           becomes imperative to address the   Here, in the mining industry, we   sustainability practices of leading
           sustainability concerns associated   find ourselves at the origin of the   mining companies based on the
           with its production, refining, logistics,   sustainability challenges within the   information provided in their 2022
           and consumption.                  gold supply chain.                annual reports. The comparison is
                                             In the dynamic realm of the gold   with the last year.

           Responsible Gold Mining Principles and Equivalency Benchmarks | World Gold Council

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