Page 20 - ProposalBookletLakelandRegMedCenterMOB - DPR
P. 20
Chapter III, Preconstruc
Chapter III, Preconstruc
Design Assist Approach
A Process of Collabora
Tri-City is dedicated to a collabora
ve partnership throughout the en
re life-cycle of
the design-assist process. We truly believe and support becoming an asset by
providing input that supplies the owner with the structure that they want while
keeping the project in budget and on-schedule. We thrive in a produc
ve atmosphere
where we can provide solu
ons and sugges
ons to the design team to increase
onality, prevent unforeseen challenges, support aesthe
cs and achieve design
intent all while maintaining a value based structure. We u
lize technology and forward
thinking to the fullest extent to provide the highest quality finishes, in the shortest
me with the highest degree of accuracy. We pride ourselves on being the go-to team
member who focuses on saying “Yes” in the most challenging situa
ons. Hospitals are
all we build and we stake our reputa
on everyday on the quality of our people,
projects, and safety.
LEAN Construc
Electrical Proposal Our en
re opera
ons team prac
ces a truly LEAN methodology to the en
re construc
Plan · Plan · Plan
process. We have built a comprehensive system of processes and culture that is
commiKed to knowledge-sharing and complete collabora
on. This prac
ce delivers beKer
projects faster and under budget while improving employee reten
on and quality of life,
reduced project waste, safer environments and much improved project value. Our goal is
to provide a transforma
onal improvement in the delivery of value to stakeholders and in
the quality of the work environment to every one of our valued colleagues. This strategy
provides allows us to supply the resources required to meet the demands of challenging
projects in difficult markets and areas.
LEAN is simply “A beKer way to BUILD”