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Chapter IV, Construc
on Plan
Chapter IV, Construc
on Plan
Build Through Constructability with 6 S Process
6 S’s Process Constructability implemented through the 6S Process not only
delivers a beKer value project but it also streamlines constructability.
We consider constructability to be essen
al to our en
re process
because 1 hour spent planning saves 8 hours of field labor. At Tri-City
SAFETY we ins
ll Safety into everything we do. It’s not a sta
c, it’s a
culture. We start every project with Sort - all non essen
al items are
organized and kept off the project un
l they are Just in Time for
on. We then u
lize Straighten to op
mize the flow of
SORT material on the project to increase the efficiency of install by
providing a detailed sequence using the Last Planner Produc0on
System. In keeping with the system, we maintain the Shine by
ensuring that we that we only send the packaging material that is
al and spending the
me immediately aLer the install to
Electrical Proposal SHINE we have developed strict installa
on and coding standards for all
remove any debris. Standardize is the next step in our process, where
assemblies that we use to ensure that quality is built in down to the
last screw. The reason that we have experienced incredible success
with the program is that we Sustain the ideals of the system in
everything we do. This program extends well past the construc
STANDARDIZE process and even into the way we communicate as a team. We u
Plangrid for everything we build to ensure that every detail is
communicated to the field in real-
me for quality and speed. We
then collect all construc
on data and communica
on in our project
SUSTAIN management soLware eSUB. We would consider no other op
than to u
lize the 6S principles from concept to comple