Page 9 - ProposalBookletLakelandRegMedCenterMOB - DPR
P. 9
Design Assist Experience
Early Involvement promotes at team approach resul
ng in on-
me on-budget projects:
· Involve architects, engineers, general contractor& key prime sub-contractors at the
beginning of the design process to affect the cost and schedule.
· Con
nuous drawing and specifica
on review between all par
es to ensure the plan can
be designed and constructed with a predictable result.
· Promote a collabora
ve approach across all disciplines and levels of management.
· Conduct lessons learned sessions throughout the life of the project (provide data for
nuous process improvement.
Design Assist Process promotes the following:
· Detailed review, cri
que, and commen
ng of the design documents at each stage of the
document development.
· Par
cipate in the various design / preconstruc
on mee
ngs or conference calls.
· Provide es
ng services at each stage of the design document development. Verify
the status of the budget at each stage and provide feedback / ideas to ensure the design
remains in budget.
· Provide adequate
me / manpower for on-site review of exis
ng as-built drawings.
Provide “boots on the ground” and be the “eyes” for the design engineers in an effort to
provide the most accurate and complete construc
on documents possible.
· Par
cipate fully in the Building Informa
on Modeling (BIM) process to produce, support
and/or modify the appropriate model(s) as it pertains to your scope(s) of work. This
includes taking part in the development of the BIM Execu
on Plan for this project.
· Provide con
nual input addressing constructability, availability of materials and qualified
trades for specialized systems, compara
ve cost/benefit analysis for various building
systems and budget/schedule impact as specific phases of the overall design are
developed. Tri-City Electrical Contractors, Inc.
HCA Trinity Phase 1 & 2 51,000 Square Feet 3.8 million
Descrip0on of Work:
ER Observa
on beds. Ver
cal Expansion of 5th and 6th floor & Fire Alarm
Northwest Medical Center 102,000 Square Feet 9.5 million
Descrip0on of Work:
New CEP replacing exis
ng CEP services serving a ver
cal expansion of 3 , 4 , 5 floors
JFK Medical Center 102,000 Square Feet 8.5 million
Description of Work:
New CEP serving the renovation of existing 1 floor and new 3 story tower addition.