Page 2 - Presentation 4
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Good Governance
• November 2018 The Scottish Government launched 'The Governance Code for the Third Sector'. The
Code set out 5 core principles and key elements of good governance for the boards of charities,
voluntary organisations and social enterprises in Scotland.
• January 2020 Scottish Council Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) created a Good Governance Checkup
document to be used in conjunction with the Code to help trustees regularly review their governance,
identify areas for improvement and monitor and record your journey to good governance.
• May 2021 Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian (VSGWL) combined The Code and SCVO Check-up
to produce a continuous governance improvement interactive tool. A self-assessment tool which can
be adapted to suit the needs of Boards. A flexible process which assists Trustees to identify gaps and
required actions and monitor progress. The following slides introduce the assessment process.