Page 43 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_March_Spring_2023
P. 43


        Section 1.01 Name.
        The name of this organization shall be the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY
        SERVICES, INC. (hereafter referred to as “Council”), a nonprofit corporation incorporated in the District of Columbia.

        Section 1.02 Location.
        The registered office of the Council shall be determined by the Board of Directors, (hereafter referred to as “Board”).

                                                 ARTICLE II – OBJECTIVES

        The objectives of this Council shall be:
        (1) To monitor national legislative and regulatory activities affecting the investigation and security industry. A
        substantial part of the Council’s activities shall be to assist, advise, inform and influence legislation.
        (2) To develop and encourage the practice of high standards of personal and professional conduct among those
        persons serving in the investigation and security industry.
        (3) To promote the purpose and effectiveness of investigation and security companies by any and all means
        consistent with the public interest. Subject to prior approval of the Board the Council may take a position and
        express an opinion on issues directly and generally affecting the investigation and security industry as such;
        provided, however, that no action shall be taken on such matters as clearly fall solely within the purview of an
        individual investigation or security company or a distinct group of investigation or security companies.
        (4) To promote the private investigation and security industry and to educate members and the public in the
        advancement, improvement and uses of investigation and security services.
        (5) To assist local, state or regional groups of investigation and security companies in the common endeavor to
        advance and promote the investigation and security industry.
        (6) To provide the opportunity for the exchange of experiences and opinions through discussion, study, the
        internet and publications.
        (7) To cooperate in courses of study for the benefit of persons desiring to fit themselves for positions in the
        investigation and security industry, and to hold meetings and conferences for the mutual improvement and
        education of our members.
        (8) To acquire, preserve and disseminate data and valuable information relative to the functions and
        accomplishments of investigation and security companies.

                                                ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP

        Section 3.01 Regular.
        An individual who is licensed, when licensing or the equivalent is required by the state or jurisdiction in which they
        do business, to conduct private investigation or security guard business, or is an officer, partner, or designated
        representative of a licensed investigative or security agency. There shall be one category of Regular Membership. A
        Regular Member will receive all the rights and privileges of membership.

        Section 3.02 Affiliate
        An individual who must be employed by a governmental entity, a law firm, an insurance firm as a Special
        Investigative Unit (SIU) investigator, or hold a similar investigative or security-related position with a governmental,
        corporate or other business-related entity. If there is any question whether the applicant fits within this category of
        membership, a simple majority vote by the Board will determine eligibility. Affiliate members may not hold office
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