Page 48 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_March_Spring_2023
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        Section 7.01 President.
        The President shall oversee the business operations of the Council. The President shall serve as an ex-officio
        member of all committees except the Nominating Committee, and shall make appointments of Committees and
        Committee Chairs as approved by the Board of Directors. The President shall preside at the Annual Meeting and the
        Executive Committee, and shall perform other such duties as directed by the Board of Directors. A President, upon
        completing the term of office, will automatically become a permanent ex-officio member of the new Board of
        Directors, and will have all the privileges as other members of the Board, except as provided in section 8.09. All
        Past Presidents in good standing will be permanent ex-officio members of the board. Past Presidents shall be listed
        in the membership roster as well as on the Board of Directors, as Past President.

        Section 7.02 Vice President.
        There shall be one Vice-President who shall assist the President in the performance of his or her duties and shall
        assume and discharge the duties of the President in his or her absence when needed in their respective areas. The
        Vice President shall perform any and all duties specifically delegated to him or her by the President. In addition to
        his or her other duties, the Vice President may be assigned by the President responsibilities for administration
        finance, investigation, and security services.

        Section 7.03 Secretary.
        The Secretary shall record, or cause to be recorded, the minutes of all Board, Executive Committee, Annual, or
        Special meetings, and deliver, or cause to be delivered, copies of all minutes to the Board of Directors.

        Section 7.04 Treasurer.
        The Treasurer shall oversee the financial affairs of the Council. The Treasurer shall submit, or cause to be
        submitted, current financial reports to the Board of Directors and the Annual financial report to the members. The
        Treasurer in conjunction with the budget and finance committee of no less than three members shall prepare an
        annual budget for adoption by the Board of Directors at their first regular Board meeting.

                                           ARTICLE VIII – BOARD OF DIRECTORS

        Section 8.01 Authority and Responsibility.
        The governing body of the Council shall be the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have supervision,
        control and direction of the affairs of the Council, its committees and publications; shall determine its policies or
        changes therein; shall actively pursue its objectives and supervise the disbursement of funds. The Board may adopt
        such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as shall be deemed advisable, and may, in the execution
        of the powers granted, delegate certain of its authority and responsibility to the Executive Committee. The Board
        shall elect its own Chair at the organizational meeting held during or immediately following the Annual meeting.

        Section 8.02 Composition.
        The voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of: (1) four officers, consisting of the President, the Vice
        President, the Secretary and the Treasurer; (2) the Immediate Past President (3) up to six Regional Directors; up to
        four Members-at-Large; and (4) All Past Presidents in good standing. A regional director need not reside in a state
        in the region of his or her responsibility.
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