Page 52 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_March_Spring_2023
P. 52

Section 10.02 Budget and Finance Committee.
        The Budget and Finance Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice President, Treasurer, and the
        Immediate Past President. The Treasurer shall serve as Chair. The Committee shall counsel with the Executive
        Director on the annual budget of the Council and prepare recommendations for the Board of Directors. The
        Committee may perform such other duties in connection with the finances of the Council as the Board may
        determine from time to time.

        Section 10.03 Legislative Committees.
        The Legislative Committees shall consist of one for security matters and one for investigative matters. The President
        shall nominate, and, with the approval of the Board of Directors by resolution, appoint or remove a member of the
        board of directors as chair for each of these legislative committees. Said chair appointees shall have served at least
        one year as a member of a prior NCISS security or investigation legislative committee. Each committee chair shall
        recommend members to serve on their respective committees and provide those recommendations to the president
        for approval. The president shall present those recommendations to the board of directors for approval by
        resolution. The duties of this committee shall be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

        Section 10.04 Special Committee.
        The President shall nominate, and with the approval of the Board of Directors by resolution, appoint other such
        committees, subcommittees or task forces as are necessary and which are not in conflict with other provisions of
        these Bylaws, and the duties of any such committees shall be prescribed by the Board of Directors upon their

                                           ARTICLE XI – EXECUTIVE AND STAFF

        Section 11.01 Appointment.
        The Board may employ or engage a staff person or association management company, who shall have the title of
        Executive Director and whose terms and conditions of employment shall be specified by the Board.

        Section 11.02 Authority and Responsibility.
        The Executive Director shall manage and direct all activities of the Council as prescribed by the Board of Directors
        and shall be responsible to the Board. He or she may employ and may terminate the employment of members of the
        staff necessary to carry on the work of the Council and fix their compensation within the approved budget. As
        Executive Director, he or she shall define the duties of the staff, supervise their performance, establish their titles
        and delegate those responsibilities of management as shall, in his or her judgment, be in the best interest of the
        Council. The Executive Director shall carry out other duties specified for that office by these Bylaws.

                                                  ARTICLE XII – FINANCE

        Section 12.01 Fiscal Period.
        The fiscal period of the Council shall be the calendar year of January 1 through December 31.

        Section 12.02 Bonding.
        Trust or surety bonds may be furnished for the President, Treasurer and other such officers or employees of the
        Council as the Board shall direct. The amount of such bonds shall be determined by the Board and the cost paid by
        the Council.
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