Page 5 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_March_Spring_2023
P. 5

From the Vice President and Executive Director…

        Kelly Cory, Vice President

                           Greetings NCISS members,

                           As we approach our mid-term meeting in May, I wanted to reach out to members to first say thank
                           you. Thank you for being a part of this valuable and necessary council that keeps our professions
                           alive! It is each and every one of you who help strengthen this organization and maintain the
                           continuity of our investigative and security capabilities. Your membership dues and involvement
                           directly impact our ability to monitor legislation that can drastically challenge the landscape of how
        we work.

        Secondly, I encourage you to remain vigilant. Understand that our ability to work in these rewarding and important
        professions is a privilege not a right. Bills are constantly being introduced in Congress that can change how we do our
        work. Often times it is a good intending bill that invertedly excludes us from data access. That is why education of our
        legislators is imperative. With our Virtual Hit the Hill coming up, we hope that each and every one of you spend just a
        little bit of time to get involved. In our upcoming April virtual training meeting we will discuss how to build relationships
        with your specific Representatives and Senators. Its those relationships that will allow us to have the platform of
        education when we need to inform them about what we do and why we need to be remembered when bills are written
        and proposed.

        I hope to see you at the mid-term meeting, in person, in lovely Myrtle Beach! We will be tagging up with SCALI’s
        conference and it should be an excellent event!

        I serve with pleasure.

        Karen S. Beers, Executive Director

                       Your NEW NCISS website launched las summer with many improvements and functions for members!

                       Please be sure to visit the website and check your Member Profile - details are in the updated Directory
                       and Guide. If you find any mistakes, have any tips, and any corrections to your profile - please contact
                       me directly by phone (888) 445-8408 or email to address these.

                       With the NEW website - all of your important member publications (legislative updates, Your Advocate,
        and the Directory & Guide) are all updated and located in the Member's Area at
        accessed by your login.

        The latest digital 1st Quarter 2023 NCISS Member Directory and Membership Guide is available online! Also inside is the
        updated website Guide for your new NCISS website! This continues to be a valuable benefit and resource, also using the
        Member Listserv, in your networking across the country - NCISS now has members in 45 states (and also Washington DC
        and Puerto Rico)! No other association has this growing network! This is more than your Directory - inside are vendors
        and sponsors with links to services and discounts, and other exclusive NCISS member benefits for you. This is more than
        your Directory - inside are vendors and sponsors with links to services and discounts, and other exclusive NCISS member
        benefits for you.

        Thank You for your NCISS Membership and support!
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