Page 19 - NCISS Your Advocate December 2019
P. 19

NCISS 2020 Annual Board and Membership Meetings

                                           Wednesday, May 6  2020

                                                                           Marina Inn at Grand Dunes

                                                                            SCALI / NCISS Room Rate $149
                                                                     Please call (877) 913-1333 for reservations
                                                                                Group Code is NCISS

                                                                  Wednesday, May 6
                                                               8:30-10:30  Board Meeting
                                                              10:45-12:00  Annual Meeting
                                                               12:00-1:00  Lunch
                                                                1:00-2:00  Annual Meeting (cont.)
                                                                       TBD  Elections
                                                                2:15-3:00  Annual Meeting (cont.)
                                                                3:15-4:15  New Board Meeting

                                                                5:30-6:30  Evening Reception by NCISS
                                                                6:30-8:30  President’s Awards Dinner and
                                                                              Swearing In New Board

         NAME                                           GUEST_

         COMPANY                                                       CITY_                                                                            STATE

         PHONE                                         EMAIL_

                   $250 Member / SCALI (includes breakfast, breaks, lunch, cocktail reception and President's dinner)
         _____$125 NCISS Reception and President’s Awards Dinner only

                   $150 Dinner Sponsor           $100 Luncheon Sponsor           $75 Break/Refreshment Sponsor           $50 Reception Sponsor
                                                   $500 Full NCISS Event Sponsor

         *I am unable to attend Board Meeting, but I still want to support the association’s good work.  Please accept my donation to the  Legislation
         Fund of     $25      $50      $75      $100      $200      $300      $500      Other Amount $______ the Legislation Fund is  used for Lobbying Expenses.

         $_           Total to be charged to my credit card #_

         Expiration Date __________    Security Code     ZIP__________

         Please Email to or fax (970) 480-7794 or Mail Check to:  NCISS, P.O. Box 200615, Evans, CO. 80620-0615
           2020 South Carolina Association of Licensed Investigators (SCALI) Conference
                                 There is a separate registration and fee for this conference and events.
                                       For details and registration, please visit

                                                    SCALI Conference Dates
                                               Thursday & Friday – May 7  & 8
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24