Page 3 - NCISS Your Advocate December 2019
P. 3

From the President…

                               Members and Colleagues!

                               The upcoming holidays always have me reflecting on the past year. I’m grateful for your
                               support and for the guidance from many of you.

                               The past year have brought some changes to NCISS which we hope to bring more value to your
                               membership, and we’re not done yet. Next month is the second of our new Legislative Round
                               Table conference calls. If you are a state association leader make sure your state is
                               represented by taking part. Only active state association members will be able to join the call.
        The conference call is Wednesday, December 11th at noon EST and we look forward to speaking with you, or one of
        your legislative representatives.

        In the past few months your Regional Directors have been hard at work contacting state association leaders to get more
        information on needs, and how we can help support our association members in the future. This spring, we will hold our
        annual meeting in conjunction with the SCALI (South Carolina Association of Licensed Investigators) conference. We’re
        excited to meet members in that part of the country and look forward to a busy day of meetings, elections, the
        Legislative Advisory Board (LAB) and a reception and President's Awards Dinner with new Officer & Director swearing in.
        Look for details at and mark your calendars now.

         Be sure and save these dates:                      Events for Wednesday 05/06/2020:
         - Arrival - Tuesday 05/05/2020.                    - Board Meeting
         - NCISS Annual Meeting - Wednesday 05/06/2020      - Annual Meeting with Elections
         - SCALI Conference - Thursday 05/07 to Friday 05/08   - SCALI / NCISS Reception
                                                            - NCISS Presidents Dinner - Awards and Swearing In

        I know membership in an association means different
        things to each member. Some join for the listserv, some for
        the educational opportunities, some simply for the
        networking or ability to reach out to other investigators
        and security professionals around the country and some for
        the legislative representation. All of these are important,
        but most of all the legislative representation. Being a
        member of NCISS means you are helping safeguard our
        profession. There is no greater gift you could give to your
        career, our profession and to the next generation of
        investigators and security professionals.


        Andrea Orozco
        NCISS President

        (720) 933-9301
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