Page 5 - NCISS Your Advocate December 2019
P. 5

From the Vice Presidents…

                        – Wes Bearden, 1  Vice President

                        Another year is upon us. NCISS has lots in store for 2020. As planned, we will be spending much
                        needed time with our state association members. Please come to visit us in South Carolina and
                        Arizona to participate in our annual and mid-term board meeting. If you come, I promise you will learn
                        something new, meet someone new and build relationships to last a lifetime.

        We are excited to push a number of legislative outreach programs to our members and to our supporting associations.
        Programs such as the advocate, list serve, legislative advisory board, hit the hill events and legislative monitoring are the
        value of your hard-earned membership dollars. NCISS is always looking for volunteers. If you have an interest in
        participating in NCISS, please reach out to me or another officer.  We want you to be part of the team that advances all
        of our collective interests. Thanks, and see you in South Carolina!

                        – Lisa Turley, 3  Vice President

                        As 2019 is coming to a close NCISS has been busy preparing for the upcoming Legislative Roundtable
                        Conference Call on December 11, 2019, noon EST.  This call is the last one for 2019 but a great
                        opportunity for state association ACTIVE members to learn from other state associations about active
                        legislative issues facing our profession.  If you need more information, please reach out ASAP to get
                        the details.

        In communications with Regional Directors around the country we are learning about professional concerns and matters
        as it relates to ways NCISS can offer support when needed, refer needs to best resources, and find the best way to
        organize the information in to useful ways so we can quickly communicate call to action (i.e. current Colorado legislative
        issue).  We are excited about the relationship-building opportunities with state associations and the great team building
        is infectious.  As we consider other ways NCISS can assist state associations and individual members of obtaining greater
        engagement and involvement in the association and communicating to legislators the importance of our profession and
        requirements necessary to effectively execute our duties and responsibilities to our clients, stay tuned to 2020!  It’s
        going to be a great year to be a member.  Renew today!!  Stay safe, healthy and wise!
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