Page 3 - NCISS Your Advocate April 2021
P. 3

From the President…


                               Well, Spring is here and we are all starting to come out of our holes. As COVID restrictions lift,
                               many of us are back at hard work and moving quickly. Included in that list is our various state
                               legislatures. NCISS is monitoring, with the help of our local member associations, the onslaught
                               of legislation filed. As anticipated, we have observed a number of state bills aimed at restricting
                               our data access or those of our allies. In many states, we have already reported some successes
                               at dodging the effects of these bills. Further, Virginia has recently enacted the second data
                               privacy bill in the United States behind California. Several other states are not far behind. NCISS
        is working hard to review these bills and provide support in making sure they do not unnecessarily interfere in your
        business operations. As we get to the end of this year and the beginning of next, we are likely to see this battle move to

        Currently, fights are raging regarding your access under the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act to Driver License Data. As we
        coordinate on a state level, it is important that you get personally involved. Whether you know legislators, staff
        members, or can communicate the need of your access, please step up and sound off to let us know you are there.
        Currently, NCISS is compiling letters by its members and others describing the needs for the data and positive uses of
        Driver’s License information. If you have a story to share, please let us know.

        As the world opens up, so are we. Because of current restrictions, we are unable to host a midterm meeting in person.
        However, we will be meeting virtually in May of this year. Look soon for that information on our website. In addition, we
        will be hosting a “Member’s Only” legislative update towards the end of April. Detailed information regarding that
        virtual meeting will be passed around soon. I am happy to finally report that we are on track to have a in person meeting
        in Washington, DC in the fall. This “Hit the Hill” will likely be a reunion of not only our friends but of our legislative
        connections. Please try and clear your calendar to come to the Nation’s Capital for a time you won’t forget.

        Thank You for Your Support of NCISS!!!

        Wes Bearden
        NCISS President

        (800) 943-2670
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