Page 5 - NCISS Your Advocate April 2021
P. 5

From the Vice Presidents…

                        – Lisa Turley, 1  Vice President
                        I for one am so thankful for an occasional warm sunny day and say goodbye to snow and cold weather. As we
                        close out the first quarter of 2021, I’d be remiss not to take a moment and think about all the changes many
                        have sustained and adjusted to this past year…. perhaps it’s the loss of a loved one, reduced business/staff, or
                        caring for others in this new environment. Know we are thinking of you today and hoping you find peace and
                        hope in your current situation.

                        With the most recent relief bill being unpacked more each day, we feel there are several online resources to
        assist and educate; and, if you still have questions about how the legislation can help your business please reach out so we can
        direct you to the proper resources. Speaking of legislation, the Legislative Advisory Board committee met with member state
        associations in April and discussed multiple privacy, mostly DMV related, bills seeking to prohibit existing DPPA use by investigators.
        If members are aware of important state legislation affecting our industry please email me with state and bill number and related so
        the information can be communicated to LAB members. Your NCISS Board continues to be working on several important issues and
        providing better services for our members. Thank you for your support of NCISS.

                        – Tina Thomas, 2  Vice President
                        Welcome to Spring 2021! I hope this message finds you well and prospering through these difficult times. As we
                        said goodbye to 2020, we are all still feeling the affects of the pandemic. I hope each and every one of you have
                        found a way to push through and push past all of it.

                        Your Board continues to work hard for you and the association. We have continued to monitor potential and
                        threatened legislation, and we have stayed in constant contact with one another. Each state has its struggles and
        I encourage anyone to reach out to a Board Member or their Regional Director with any concerns. Let us know how NCISS can help
        your state or support your position. On February 10th, we held a virtual Town Hall meeting through Zoom, which was open to all
        investigators. Many Members and non-members attended the Town Hall. We had overwhelming positive feedback from everyone
        who attended. We had planned on drawing one lucky person in attendance to win a Visa gift card; however, we had such a big
        turnout, two people were randomly selected to win gift cards. Congratulations to the two winners - private investigator Ty Sterling
        from Arizona, and private investigator Lea Rennert from Texas!

        A huge thank you to all the Members who have renewed and to all of the new Members for joining NCISS. It is in the best interest of
        our profession to be involved in your state associations as well as a National association in order to continue protecting our
        industries. If you enjoy the membership, Town Hall meetings, and other added perks, please tell a colleague about the benefits of
        joining NCISS. Together we can continue to make a difference. Thank you for allowing me to serve you and our profession.

                        – Paul Cicarella, 3  Vice President
                        We made it through the 1st quarter of 2021, and it feels like we can finally exhale as great things are around the
                        bend. While we are still amidst a pandemic, many of us will start to experience warmer weather and longer days,
                        and we can all be grateful.

                        NCISS board members have been hard at work despite the challenges of not meeting in person. We’ve
                        experienced great success with zoom meetings which has allowed us to stay on top of state issues affecting our
                        profession. Additionally, the collaborative and group effort has allowed us to see challenges and legislation which
        negatively affects our profession. We would not be able to do this successfully without all our members and state association
        leaderships involved in our discussions.
        The executive board has been working diligently on cultivating new relationships with vendors and sourcing new ideas to continue
        to moving our association and profession forward. I look forward to working with everyone, and the opportunity to see everyone in
        person again soon.
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