Page 5 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_July_Summer_2023
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From the Vice President, Board Chair, and Executive Director…

        Kelly Cory, Vice President
                           Greetings NCISS members,

                           We are all looking forward to our Annual Meeting in beautiful Sonoma, California in conjunction
                           with the California Association of Licensed Investigators (CALI) conference held there August 24-26,
                           2023. Not only will this be a fantastic conference you will not want to miss, but it will be wonderful
                           to again meet in person for our NCISS Annual Meeting and elections. I am really excited for what
                           lies ahead for NCISS as we continue to grow and rebuild after the pandemic. NCISS is, and will
        continue to be, one of the most prestigious and well-respected associations for our profession. I’m honored to be
        nominated for the next incoming NCISS President!

        I am hopeful that we will see each other in Sonoma and encourage you to come to our Annual Meeting on Thursday,
        August 24  from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please register on the NCISS website. You will find excellent networking
        opportunities with colleagues around the country. Also, we are looking for top level professionals who want to get
        involved. Your new ideas and passion for our profession are welcomed and we have various board roles and committee
        openings for you to consider. Your involvement will help support the longevity of our profession as we all work towards
        legislative advocacy together. Plus, your involvement would be a great added credential to your own CV.

        See you in Sonoma! I serve with pleasure, Kelly

        Lisa Turley, Board Chair
                       As the board looks forward to partnering with one of our many member state associations, CALI in
                       August to hold our Annual Meeting on August 24, 2023, we hope you are planning to attend our
                       meeting and their conference. We have also been diligently planning events and relevant opportunities
                       for our members to engage, learn and grow individually and collectively as an association focused on
                       legislation. As our association continues to adjust and evolve from the many changes in the profession
                       and across the country to include the residuals of COVID we look forward to getting back to in-person
                       meetings and returning our focus to Washington, D.C. in May 2024 to educate our respective legislators
        about our profession, the importance of our work and how it relates in the communities we serve.

        In closing, volunteer service is a commitment and definitely challenging to meet the diverse needs of our members, and
        it has been an honor to serve as Chairman of the NCISS Board this past year. I appreciate the opportunity to serve in this
        way over the past several years. I’m looking forward to the incoming board leadership and know each of you will benefit
        from the efforts to offer value to you as a member. See you soon.

        Karen S. Beers, Executive Director
                       Thank you all who continue to keep NCISS a strong association for the profession. I know it is work on
                       top of your own agencies. In return the office positions you hold do mean something to potential
                       clients. I have been contacted to check positions and memberships of members. Know your efforts
                       mean something to NCISS and the public. NCISS is a strong organization with many skilled and
                       dedicated members, and it takes everyone working together to keep moving forward.

                       Don’t forget the NCISS Member Recruitment Incentive Program! Details are in every Your Advocate and
        Member Directory, is provided to all new members. When I receive an application and a current member is mentioned
        on the application for the referral, I keep a spreadsheet with the information. Be sure to contact me to see if a new
        member has listed them, and I will provide a discount code to offset their dues.

        Thank You for your NCISS Membership and support! Karen
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