Page 27 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_Apr_Spring_2024
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Legislative Update from NCISS Legislative Committee and Lobbyit

                    obbyit located in  ashington,  . .

                    obbyit provides monthly reports about legisla on
                    which is shared with the membership

                    s we monitor proposed legisla on a ec ng our

                    pro ession in  ashington,  . . we seek the support
                    o  our lobbyists to make recommenda ons or
                    iden  y key players in a variety o  legisla ve issues
                    impac ng our pro ession.

                                                                                         ecu ve  ice  resident

                                          Legislative Updates

                                       Legislation Chaos and Election Year Madness

        Lisa Turley, Legislative Advisory Board Chair

        The current political environment in Washington, D.C. has seemingly been hostile for a period of time. It also may seem
        easier to be apathetic or uncommitted when thinking about engagement and/or legislative advocacy. However, I’d be
        remiss not to thank all the professional volunteers who recently came to Washington, D.C. for the return of NCISS Hit-
        The-Hill (HTH) event when we did just that—advocated for YOU!

        There was a sense of purpose and focus as we walked the halls in the Senate and Representative buildings to meet and
        educate our respective legislators and/or legislative staff about our profession and how investigators are incredibly
        relevant and intricate in the legal community. We as professionals come from different parts of the country, have varied
        opinions, but collectively and with a unified voice represented you and our profession as we diffused myths and mis

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