Page 30 - NCISS_Your_Advocate_Apr_Spring_2024
P. 30

Legislative Update from NCISS Legislative Committee and Lobbyit

        L g  l tiv  fix t  DOL  ul
        Many industry groups, including N ISS, are hoping  or a legisla ve fi  to this terrible rule. Several legislators have
        signaled that they will file legisla on to quash the rule, or to amend it. The N ISS  egisla on team drafted a letter to the
        Senate and House  abor  ommittee  hairs and Ranking Members, which was sent to them in mid-January.  mong other
        things, our letter urged the  ommittee members to care ully consider the poten al consequences o  the ruling.  e
        requested that they work with us to find a solu on which balances the protec on o  worker rights with the unique needs
        o  the private inves gator and security pro essions. N ISS con nues to seek a legisla ve solu on to this issue.

                                                 L tig ti   Ag    t DOL Rul  g

        US  ourt o   ppeals/Fifth  ircuit
          legal challenge was filed in the US  ourt o   ppeals  or the Fifth  ircuit to the US  abor  epartment’s worker
        classifica on rule, seeking to block the agency  rom making it harder to classi y workers as independent contractors
        across a range o  industries including trucking, construc on, and the gig economy. The  oali on  or  ork orce
        Innova on,  ssociated Builders and  ontractors, and the Financial Services Ins tute filed a mo on to revive their
        previous li ga on, in which a  ederal court in Te as blocked the  abor  epartment’s 2022 e ort to revise classifica on
        standards.   s in 2022, they’re arguing the agency didn’t  ollow the required administra ve procedures  or passing new
         ederal regula ons. The groups are asking the US  ourt o   ppeals  or the Fifth  ircuit to send their previously stayed
        case back to the US  istrict  ourt  or the  astern  istrict o  Te as to consider a  resh challenge to the rule, which the  O
        published in final  orm on January 10, 2024.

        US  istrict  ourt, Northern  istrict o  Georgia
        Four  reelance writers and editors on Jan. 16 filed a lawsuit (Warren v. U.S. Department of Labor, filed in the US  istrict
         ourt  or the Northern  istrict o  Georgia) against the US  epartment o   abor, claiming the Biden administra on’s new
        rule on when workers can be classified as independent contractors is vague and uncertain and should be struck down
        because it violates the US  ons tu on. The plain  s are  reelance writers and editors Kim Kavin, Jen Sionger and
         eborah  brams Kaplan  rom New Jersey, and Karon  arren, based in Georgia. They are the  ounders o  Fight For
        Freelancers, a coali on o  more than 2,500  reelancers in pro essions ranging  rom wri ng to truck driving. The online
        organiza on was  ormed to contest policies — such as  ali ornia’s  B-5 and the  epartment o   abor’s rule — that the
        group alleges make it more difficult  or them to work as independent contractors.

        Beacon  enter – US  istrict  ourt/Tennessee
        The Beacon  enter, a non-profit think-tank, has filed a  ederal lawsuit against the  epartment o   abor. The lawsuit
        claims that that the department's "independent contractor rule" threatens the livelihoods o   reelancers. The rule
        "replaces a straightforward two- actor test with a vague si - actor test  or determining whether a worker is a  reelancer
        or an employee, will  orce  reelancers into employment rela onships that they neither want nor need."
        The  enter is represen ng Tennessee  reelance journalists Margaret  ittman and Jenni er  hesak in the lawsuit.

        U.S.  hamber o   ommerce
        N ISS  egisla on  hair Jim Zimmer recently contacted  aryl Jose er,   ecu ve  ice  resident and  hie   ounsel  or the
        US  hamber o   ommerce. Mr. Jose er agreed that this is a terrible ruling by  O , and the  hamber is considering
        pursuing li ga on. He put us in touch with Stephanie Maloney,  hie  o  Sta  &  ssociate  hie   ounsel at US  hamber o
         ommerce  i ga on  enter, who is spearheading their li ga on e ort.

          Zoom mee ng was held with Stephanie Maloney. Represen ng N ISS were  d  jaeb,  isa Turley and mysel . Ms.
        Maloney was very recep ve to our concerns, which are shared among hundreds o  pro essions.
        Stephanie Maloney shared that the US  hamber o   ommerce had done e tensive research and published a paper on
        the use o  independent contractors, which was submitted to the  epartment o   abor in  ecember 2022, but
        un ortunately the  O  did not take the arguments into considera on.

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