Page 3 - NCISS Your Advocate September-Summer 2021
P. 3

From the President…


                               As we gear up for the fall, the DC agenda is packed with a number of legislative items of
                               importance. It appears as if there will be pushes for infrastructure, police reform, and a
                               reconciliation bill that will have some economic impact. Although these priorities do not
                               directly affect us, we always have the risk of collateral damage. We will be monitoring these
                               items throughout the fall and will update you with any ongoings.

                               Our annual meeting will once again be remote. In some ways, meeting remote is something we
        should be proud of. By continuing the business of the association, NCISS has continued its mission and accomplished far
        more than most other professional associations. Even apart, we are still a thriving and strong group. However, there is
        no alternative to meeting in person. When we sit face to face with each other we accomplish more and form deeper
        bonds across the country that will last a lifetime.

        We hope to meet in person in the Spring of 2021 in Washington, DC. As most of you know, the news and extent of the
        infection change daily. We will have to see where we end up. But, we will meet together soon as soon as it is safe and
        our institutions open back up to the public. Having a presence in Washington is critical.

        In our October 2021 virtual in-person meeting, I will be stepping down as President and assuming the role of Chairman
        of the Board. This year has been a whirlwind of NCISS activity. I am proud of what we have accomplished and what we
        have to accomplish in the future. The incoming leadership is well poised to take advantage of our NCISS headwinds. I
        look forward to seeing you virtually or in person over the next several months.

        Thank You for Your Support of NCISS!!!

        Wes Bearden
        NCISS President

        (800) 943-2670
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