Page 5 - NCISS Your Advocate September-Summer 2021
P. 5

From the Vice Presidents…

                        – Lisa Turley, 1  Vice President
                        Fall is the favorite time for those that are ready to see the diverse colors on the trees and cooler weather.  As the
                        season approaches and we start a new season I wanted to take a minute and thank the members for their
                        commitment to our profession and also for their resolve of navigating through some adversity.  To say the past
                        two years has been a struggle would be understating – so stay strong!

                        In this new season, each of us come from a different point of view, influenced by filters, believes and values.
                        Finding the good and strength in those points of view within us will help shape and guide the association
        forward.  My hope and desire is to bring people together, find common ground for the good of the profession and association and
        meet members where they are and help them get to the better place they want to be.  I want to recognize our board who seeks to
        promote professionalism and the standard of ethics – thank you for your leadership and dedication!  It’s important to remember
        that being a member of something is only as good as the effort you put into that something.  As we continue to improve our
        communication with each other and work diligently on legislative issues I hope we can learn for the processes, make lasting work
        and personal relationships and build each other up through the journey.  It’s also important to recognize that each of us have many
        demands from work, personal, and volunteer commitments, but many hands make the work more manageable.  I encourage each of
        us to find ways to step up and support each other and be the gold stamp that being a member of the national voice of the private
        investigation and security professions means something special.

                        – Tina Thomas, 2  Vice President
                        Hello Members!  It is so hard to believe we are more than halfway through 2021, then the holidays will be creeping
                        up on us and it will be over.  So there still time to plan!

                        It has been such an honor serving as the 2nd Vice President, and I thank you for allowing me to be of service to
                        our profession.  The NCISS Board has been busy working and meeting remotely, amidst the current health crisis.
                        In May we held our Mid-Term Board meeting virtually. It has been nice to see many of the hard-working friendly
        faces that carried us through the years.  A team of us worked on updating the Ethics, and those changes can be found on the NCISS
        website.  I am very proud to have been part of that Committee.  A good percentage of our Members participated in our online survey
        to let us know what was working and what they would like to see in the future.  I plan on working with our incoming President on
        those things that are important to the membership.

        We are now approaching our Annual Meeting as well as elections.  I would like to continue serving the Board as the incoming 1st Vice
        President and promise to continue working hard to preserve our profession for us and for many generations to come.  I plan on
        continuing my efforts towards membership and helping our future President in any way I am needed.  The Members have enjoyed the
        Town Hall meetings and I would like to continue those as well.

        Thank you to all Members that have renewed and stuck with NCISS through these challenging times.  It has been a pleasure getting to
        know Members and growing my network of trusted colleagues.  It really elevates all of us to work hand in hand on cases, and provide
        each other with quality work.  Everyone wins!

        Thank you for allowing me to serve you and our profession.  I look forward to our continued success together for years to come.

                        – Paul Cicarella, 3  Vice President
                        In preparation for this fall’s meeting, I wanted to first give my utmost thanks to the past and present leaders of
                        the executive board who have taught me so much. This past year has brought a variety of challenges however, I
                        remain confident in the strength of our group. We have made friendships and created networks nationwide that
                        protect and move our profession forward.

                        It is with great anticipation that I advance my role from 3rd to 2nd Vice President this year. My goal is to
                        continue to grow and move our organization forward implementing the knowledge and dedication that has
        always been at the core of NCISS. I am grateful to have the opportunity to represent this vital and dedicated team.
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