Page 3 - NCISS Your Advocate April 2020
P. 3

From the President…


                               This is a difficult message for me to write. Obviously, we are in unprecedented times right now
                               with many of our members affected by Covid19 in one way or another. I've been hearing from
                               members all around the country. Please know we are thinking about all of you. The board is
                               constantly assessing what we can do to help and get information to you as quickly as possible
                               regarding any aid legislation which may help you and your business.

                               We will continue to keep you updated on the latest announcements, regulations, and
        legislation regarding COVID-19 as events rapidly evolve.

        With this in mind and our concern for keeping conference attendees and board members safe, it became abundantly
        clear we had no other choice but to postpone our annual meeting which was being held May 6th along with the SCALI
        conference. Your health and safety is of utmost concern to the board of NCISS. Many of us were looking forward to
        meeting members in South Carolina, and hope to make that happen at another time in the future.

        While we are limiting the in person contact of the association the core function of the association continues. We are
        hard at work in the background to continue making this an association that is better, and better serves our members.
        One of the things that impressed me about this profession many years ago is that we are a community that helps one
        another, especially in times of need. In the coming weeks we will be offering resources and virtual/online training
        opportunities through many of our talented members. We will also be offering a webinar to help you navigate some of
        the resources available for small businesses and employees. Please watch for announcements regarding the webinar in
        the next week.

        We will get through this together. You are a part of a great community and we are all here for each other!

        If you'd like to help and have a course or training you can offer to the members at this time at no cost, please contact
        me directly.


        Andrea Orozco
        NCISS President

        (720) 933-9301
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