Page 5 - NCISS Your Advocate April 2020
P. 5

From the Vice Presidents…

                             – Wes Bearden, 1  Vice President
                             What a crazy year it has been. Most of you are probably hunkering down working from home
                             during these quarantine like conditions. Funny to think where we were a month ago compared to
                             now. If you have been checking the news, Congress recently passed the phases of legislation that
                             will impact each of our members in some fashion or another. NCISS officers met quickly after the
                             outbreak and have been reviewing the massive relief legislation. Over the next several days and
                             weeks, we will be providing details about each relief package. This will include court delays and
        closures, process serving modifications, tax delays, state by state regulatory emergency orders and potential financial
        resource packages. A big part of the legislation includes the small business administration loans which many of you may
        qualify for. Hopefully, we can provide a little help and guidance in these wary economic times. That is what NCISS is for.
        Let’s assist each other and help you navigate this legislation. Again, we will distribute this information as soon as

        Although I am saddened by the cancelation of the annual meeting in Myrtle Beach, I am hopeful that we will see each
        other in Arizona for our next board meeting. I would encourage you to come to that meeting. We are looking for new
        blood and energy in NCISS. Take a chance and come to a meeting to get involved. I promise you won’t regret it. You will
        meet new friends, make business connections and learn about legislation in your profession. Hope to see you there!

                            – Lisa Turley, 3  Vice President
                            It seems appropriate to address the turbulent waters we are navigating.  With so much uncertainty
                            sadly most have a hard time seeing past their own situation, and today is no different.  Each of
                            you, your neighbors, your friends, your colleagues either is or will be feeling the effects.  So, with
                            that in mind, reminder EVERYONE deals with stress differently, one way is not better than another
                            it is just a fact, so in this time and when we are through the storm… show grace and kindness!  We
                            are people first, we are Strong and resilient and we WILL overcome.  We never grow from easy.
                            We grow when we give of ourselves, share burdens and learn from our mistakes.  Be well, be
                            smart, be safe, and wash your hands and show kindness in social distancing.  I want to reassure
                            you that your volunteer NCISS Board is still charting the seas with your interests in the top-priority;
        whether that is legislative, financial, business-mindfulness, etc.  Shout out to the Board members and other members
        who have been sharing resources to each other and their fellow members.

        Administrative Update and Preparations:
        Members of the Executive Committee had been communicating about upcoming planning for future Annual Meeting
        and Mid-Term meeting regarding logistics and schedules but have taken a break until more educated decisions can be
        appropriately discussed.  We have also been working towards improvement of the website to provide a ease to navigate
        site where information can easily be accessed without too much effort. We have been working on providing the
        membership an impressive slate of officers to lead this great association. Due to the government mandates the board
        made the prudent decision to cancel the Annual meeting in South Carolina but will continue to follow by-laws to address
        appropriate business and best path forward. Communication will be provided as soon as possible however with
        extended effects mentioned daily caution will be taken.

        Legislative Update:
        We continue to work through best path forward to represent the association with legislative issues at a national scale.
        At the state level, through the great communication of the recently formed Legislative Advisory Board listserv, we were
        able to support Colorado’s efforts in communicating with legislators the importance of Private Investigator Licensing.  In
        West Virginia our profession was the casualty of reduced licensing and reduced requirements as the nation facing
        deregulation of industry.  As many of you know, opening the code for any reason can result in something you hadn’t
        proposed, supported or had knowledge.  The best offensive is communication and working together.
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