Page 16 - ISSUE 13
P. 16

PAGE 16                                                                                                           ROCKNATION ISSUE 13

                                                                                        Interview with Steve Blaze - By Mark Balogh
                                              Interview with Lars Chriss
                                                  By Brian Rademacher     Mark: How did
                                                                          you feel about
                                              a new release about every year   the bands
                                              until you reached Entrance   appearance(s)
                                              (2001) and there was quite a bit  at Rocklahoma?
                                              of years before the release of   You got to play
                                              Emotional Coma (2007). What   a couple shows
                                              did the band do between those   over the course
                                              Lars: We released the debut in   of the weekend.
                                              1995, “Two” in ‘97, “Fall From   Steve: I was
                                              Grace” 1999 and “Entrance”   pleasantly
                                              in 2001. We red Europe and   surprised at the
                                              Scandinavia with bands like   turnout for a
                                              Motörhead, DIO, Manowar,    midnight show
                                              Saxon, Iced Earth, Nevermore,   after such a hot
                                              U.D.O. (Accept), Dee Snider etc.   and long day.
                                              I was heavily involved in every-  We were in the
                                              thing from songwriting,producing,
                                              negotiating record deals and   middle of our tour
                                              tours, doing all the interviews   so we were well
                                              etc so at the end of 2001 I was   warmed up.
                                              totally burnt out and needed a   Mark: Was it
                                              break. I put the band on hold   HOT enough at
                                              and let everybody go. During the  Rocklahoma for
                                              break I was hired to write, play   you?
                                              and produce an album called
  Brian: Hello Lars welcome to        Audiovision “The Calling” with members   Steve: It was
  RockNation.                         from KISS,Whitesnake, Thunder, Europe,   scorching all day!
  Lars: Thanks for having me.         Jeff Scott Soto etc. When Sampo Axelsson   We arrived
  Brian: The band has been together   joined LS in 2004 we besides writing and   Saturday
  almost 15 years what do you feel has   demoing 23 songs for LS wrote and   morning early
  given the band longevity and success?  recorded a side project called Road To   and instead
  Lars: I suppose we’ve been able to keep a  Ruin. Six years sounds like a long time   of resting and
  high quality on the songwriting, musician-  but a lot of work was done even though it   saving energy
  ship and production through the years so   wasn’t very public at the time on purpose.   we walked the
  labels have felt Lion’s Share is a good band  Brian: Both “Emotional Coma” and
  to have on their roster. We also have a very  “Dark Hours” both received good   grounds all day.
  loyal and great fan base that’s been with   reviews worldwide can you tell us   I watched every
  me through several lineup changes and  anything about the cover art for both   band and met all the fans I could. Then we  have created your niche.
  all since the beginning. We’ve always   releases?                       did press and kept walking around.   Mark: What do you feel that LeFevre
  stayed true to our influences and written   Lars: Before the comeback with “Emotional  Fortunately we played at midnight and   brought to the table that past vocalists
  from the heart, no matter what trends that’s  Coma”, we decided we wanted a mascot   things cooled a bit. Only a bit. It was still   didn’t?
  been going on around us and still been   figure, pretty much like Iron Maiden and   hotter than hell on that stage.  Steve: Derrick brought fire, eagerness,
  able to not repeat ourselves with our   Megadeth that we could use for album   Mark: You have a new record
  albums. Brian: In 1988 you released   artwork, on shirts and stuff. It’s possible we
                       Ghost Town     will make new covers featuring this figure   with “Sad Day On Planet
                        Queen on vinyl  for the old albums too when we re-release   Earth”. Tell us a little about
                        and were      them. Only our last two albums have been   the title of the album.
                        going to do a  officially released in USA so we have a lot   Steve: As I watched continual
                        follow up     of catching up to do over there.    depressing news about our
                        single in 1989   Brian: Were there any songs written for  planet’s downward spiral, I
                        was work      Emotional Coma that were used on Dark   exclaimed “It’s a sad day on
                        being done    Hours?                              planet earth.” It seemed
                                      Lars: Yeah, “The Bottomless Pit”, “Behind
                                      The Curtain”, the bigger part of “Heavy   profound and stuck in my head.
                                      Cross To Bear” and the bonus track “King   Mark: Can you talk about
                                      Of All The Kings”, were written during that   the some of your favorite
                                      six year break before “Emotional Coma”.  songs on “Sad Day On
                                      Brian: Do you have material ready for   Planet Earth” maybe a little
                                      the next release?                   bit about the sound and how
                                      Lars: I haven’t written anything    did some of the songs come
                                      personally. I’m actually so pleased with the   to you?
                                      last three albums I’ve been involved with
                                      “Emotional Coma”, Road To Ruin “Road   Steve: I started writing a year
                                      To Ruin” and “Dark Hours” so I’m not sure   ago with only 3 songs having
                                      I can top these. Right now it feels like I’ve   beed written before then. I felt
                                      said what I want to say musically. I also   the most at ease and energetic
                                      feel that my guitar playing is on a peak   since the Psycho album. The sound just   passion and the desire and respect to take
                                      with “Dark Hours”. I don’t want to release   evolved from the chemistry of the band.   Lillian to the next level. He’s a machine.
                                      another album just for the sake of it. There   There was cogniscent effort to sound a   Mark: Lillian Axe last record “Waters
                                      are far too many artists out there that keep   certain way.After nine albums, you tend to  Rising” was released just about 2 years
                                      touring and releasing albums even though                                              ago and featured the
                        on that single   they’re not even a shadow of their past                                            same lineup as the
                        before the line-  glory. That makes me sad so I’ve promised                                         new record. Would
                        upchange?     myself to never go down that road myself.                                             you say the band has
                        Lars: Yeah,   Brian: You are also part owner of                                                     found its groove with
                        but we decided   Blistering records, with many labels
                        we needed a   folding because of the economy and I                                                  this lineup?
                        better singer   know Blistering were sending physi-                                                 Steve: After 2 albums
                        so we never   cal hard copy discs. Out to press for                                                 and lots of touring and
                       turned it in to the   review, do you feel that Blistering will                                       playing, we are very
  label. We also started to move away from   start                                                                          tight. Every night the
  the style of the single towards the heavier   digital downloads to save funds?                                            show is so insinctually
  direction of the debut album. This early   Lars: We do a mix of both actually. We                                         tight. We know each
  version of the band (1987-1991), have   have a great downloading system that we                                           others every thought
  very little to do with the Lion’s Share that   created ourselves so it’s the full CD quality                              and move. We have
  released all the albums. The name had   that people download and can burn a CD
                                      Image from. I’m actually able to supply a
  started getting known in magazines around   lot more media with our promos this way                                       come into our groove on
  Europe, so this is why we kept it for the   since there’s no cost involved.                                               all levels.
  re- start in 1994.                                                                                                         (Interview continued @
  Brian: You guys were almost putting out   (Interview continued @                             
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