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  CD                                  Smith (now former hatchet of the Limp Bi-                              to “Midnight Flight” is crunchy and will defi-
                                      zkit), that us first delight with a small initial
                                                                                                             nitely blow your ears away. Other highlights
                                      solo, then with a series of more aggressive
                                                                                                             include “She Needs My Love” and “Solar
                                      riff road via that the song goes ahead, while
                                                                                                             Eye,” then “The Writer” wraps things up
  REVIEWS                             Henrik Ostergaard gives the better than                                with a rocking finish. Overall, Best of is an
                                      himself to the voice and to the rhythmic
                                                                                                             excellent sampling of the greatest non-hits
                                      guitar. “Let There Be Rock”, puts an end
                                                                                                             from a forgotten gem among ’80s metal
                                      to this now and five minutes of authentic
                                                                                                             acts. It smokes from start to finish, dripping
                                      hard rock, with a excellent vocal extension                            with classic hooks and juicy guitar riffs and
                                      of Henrik, perfectly supported from Ron                                absolutely smacking of the ‘80s glam at-
                                      Sutton behind the rolling and Wilber to the                            titude and flash. Pop this in your CD player
                                      low end on Bass guitar.                                                and take a mind-blowing trip back in time
                                                                                                             and ponder what could have been.
                                                                            SEVENTH RIZE
                                                                          “Full Moon” Perris Records
                                                                         “Full Moon” is 80s style hard rock that
                                                                         brings to mind the earlier work of bands like
                                                                         FOREIGNER and BAD COMPANY. It’s
                                                                         surprisingly well done and, although
                                                                         capable of bringing a nostalgic smile to
                                                                         your face, it also sounds somehow fresh
                                                                         enough to be recognized as newer music
                                                                         rather than classic rock. Bruce Turgon from
               XXX                                                       FOREIGNER fame brought chemistry in
    “Heaven, Hell or Hollywood?”                                         song writing that made his band famous.
           Perris Records                 HOLY WATER                     Produced by famed drummer Bobby Rock     HARDREAMS
                                                                         (Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Nelson), “Full
  XXX is an intriguing band to say the least.                            Moon” has a clean, classic metal sound
  Featuring Snowy Shaw (drums and vocals),   “The Collected Sessions”    and a surprisingly dynamic punch. It may   “Calling Everywhere” Perris Records
  the imaginatively named ‘X’ (guitar and                                not be strong enough to start a new global   This CD was originally released on Vinny
  vocals) and Rob Nasty (bass and vocals),     Perris Records            interest in melodic 80s metal, but it’s a fun   Records but the label went bust soon after
  the band have quite a history behind them. Back in the late ’80s, members of bands   listen with a number of true standout   the release. Throw in some big, catchy
  Snowy has performed and recorded with   like Doro, Quiet Riot, Widowmaker, Saraya,   moments -- my favorites being “Quicken”   choruses, some great backing vocals and
  numerous well known bands over the years  etc. joined forces to record an AOR   and titled track “Full Moon”.  punchy guitar for good measure, whiz it up
  including King Diamond, Dream Evil,   classic, under the project name Holy Water.                          well and you get an idea of what
  Therion, Mercyful Fate, Notre Dame and   Obviously, Holy Water never became that                           HARDREAMS is like. HARDREAMS is a
  more. His bands have numerous styles and  classic, but they have achieved cult status.                     Spanish band with a melodic sound. The
  levels of heaviness and that history is as   Having Foreigner’s Al Greenword produce                       groups music could be compared to the
  clear as vodka on Heaven, Hell or   and mix your release certainly adds to their                           legendary WHITESNAKE with some AOR
  Hollywood. The band play a hard rock-  Classic Rock/AOR legend. Out now on                                 moments thrown into the mix as well. Remi-
  ing music that varies from glam metal to   Perris Records, you can pick up The                             niscent of Whitesnake’s more radio-friendly
  horror pop and sleaze rock. It’s all influ-  Collected Sessions and hear exactly what                      stuff, and especially KISS’s “Crazy Nights”
  enced at base level by the American hair   the hubbub was all about.  The band                             CD, this album is for those more into the
  metal scene and British punk. There’s an   consists of David Knight (vocals), Thomas                       pop-oriented side of hard rock, rather than
  overwhelming dollop of Swedish cool in   Jude (guitar), Freddy Villano (bass) and                          the fast and the furious. Most of the songs
  the mix too. ‘It’s Suicide’ may not have the   Tony Galtieri (drums). When the band first                  on “Calling Everywhere” fall into either
  most positive of ideologies in its title, but   got together, they recorded three songs                    the Survivor-type hard rock radio hits, the
  the song itself has an immensely anthemic   known as “The Green Sessions,” and the                         token hard rock ballads or, at least in the
  nature. It’s a riotously punkish track with a   song that easily could have catapulted                     case of the driving “Too Late,” the David
  short-sharp-shock of a chorus and a   them into Top 10 status is the opening                               Coverdale era of Deep Purple. If you’re
  simplistic, straight to the point message.                                                                 looking for heavy, angry music, you won’t
  Given the chance this could be one of   song, “I’m Not Worried Anymore.” It will                           find it on “Calling Everywhere” If you’re in
  those ‘songs of the summer’. Oi, XXX,   remind you of Foreigner, maybe Alias,   ODIN “The Best Of”         the mood for some solid AOR rock’n’roll in
  make a video for this and get it on MTV!   even perchance Bad Company (with Brian   Perris Records         the vein of bands like Survivor/Whitesnake,
  The cover of Cheap Trick’s ‘I Want You   Howe, not Paul Rodgers). Knight sings                             this is a good CD to plug into your car
  To Want Me’ is phenomenally good. It of   much like Lou Gramm used to, with a   Every now and then, you get hit by   stereo and drive to.
  course helps that the original song is so   soaring higher range that owns a bit of   nostalgia. You hear a song you haven’t
  good, but XXX have given the song their   an edge when he wants it to. The chorus   heard in God knows when, and the
  own spin and, to be honest, it’s hard to   is sheer melody, just and Jude’s guitar   memories come flooding back, and you just
  know whether this is any worse than the   solo is a bit more talented than you would   can’t help but wonder, “Whatever
  original - this version really is that good.  have expected. Each of these musicians   happened to those guys?” Such is the case
  ‘Miss Misery’ is another contagious sing   are talented; even the backing vocals are   with Odin, once one of the most promis-
  along number, whilst the final (title) track is  impressive.“Some Things Have to   ing bands on the L.A. circuit. You may
  like a cross between ‘We Will Rock You’,   Happen” thumps along with Villano   remember them from the documentary
  Wednesday 13 and Motley Crue. Some of   thrumming a deep, steady bass line and   The Decline of Western Civilization II: The
  the riffing is stomping and gnarly, whilst the  Jude tearing into a noisy riff. It’s frankly   Metal Years, the foursome who were once
  chorus has a huge feel to it. It’s a great way  amazing that Knight hasn’t fronted some   predicted to be bigger than Van Halen. Yet,
  to round out the album.             larger bands; this guy can wail. The thing   for some unfathomable reason, fame just
                                      about Holy Water is that you would have   wasn’t in the cards for Odin, and they never
                                      sworn you’ve heard these songs before,   made it past the club stage.Now Perris Re-
                                      but chances are you haven’t. This should   cords has released Odin’s Best of package,
                                      have been another hit for Holy Water.  a set of 18 tracks, featuring the previously
                                      Jude’s quirky riff on “Once is Not Enough”   unreleased “Let the Show Begin,” that are

                                      will remind many of Paul Gilbert’s work in   sure to make the                 FAITHFULL
                                      Mr. Big, and of course, so does the overall   listener pause to say, “Hey, I remember
                                                                         those guys! Whatever happened to them?”
                                      song. Knight certainly sings with a bluesy   Things start out with “12 O’ Clock High,”   “Light This City” Perris Records
                                      edge to his vocals during the verses. It’s   which is quickly followed up by theanthemic   Is there anyone out there who owns
                                      also an anthem for summer, with lines like,   “Don’t Take No For An Answer,” which are   records from Portugese acts? Well, if you
                                      “Once is not enough; does this have to be   showcases for the primal scream vocals   don’t, this “Light This City” from Faithfull
                                      a one night stand?” “If I Knew Then” keeps   of lead singer Randy O (who threatened   could as well become the first one in your
                                      the pedal to the floor, but still under the   to kill himself if the band never made it,   collection. Star of this band is a guy called
                                      speed limit. It may be the heaviest song on   but nonetheless is alive and well). The   Sérgio Sabino, who used to front another
                                      The Collected Sessions. Holy Water is/was   third track, “Fight For Your Life,” starts off   Portugese band, called Evidence (not to
                                      an intriguing band. Songs like “I’m Not   with a spoken call to power, then segues   be confused with Evidence One). What’s
                                      Worried Anymore” “If I Knew Then” and   into a slow, smooth groove with crashing,   so great about him, is that he’s the owner
                                                                                                             of an excellent voice and sings without
      DIRTY LOOKS                     “Some Things Have to Happen” reveal a   smashing drums. All songs on the album   any accent at all. Completing the line-up
                                      glimmer of what they could have been had  feature the scorching, smoking guitar work
                                                                                                             are Martins, Ledesma and Ramos and
       “Slave to the Machine”         they kept things going. Of course, that’s   of Jeff Duncan, best known perhaps for his   together they have recorded an album that
            Perris Records            about the time Grunge took everyone’s   stint with Armored Saint, as evidenced by   sounds very much like one of Bon Jovi’s. .
  A disk loaded with energy this of the Dirty   birthday away for a decade, so it’s no   “Judgment Day.” The biggest surprise is   Presenting a perfect mix between rockers
  Looks it is a re-issue album of 1996.  It is   surprise Holy Water was a one-off project.   the inclusion of “Serenade To The Court,”   and ballads and professionally produced
  begun from the title track and already with   That being said, if you are a fan of   a short-but-sweet instrumental easy on the   by Tarantula drummer Luis Barros, this is
  this piece is begun to understand thing we   Foreigner and Howe-era Bad Company,   ears after all the hard stuff on the rest of   maybe the best hard rock album that has
  will find ourselves in front.16 tracks of pure   The Collected Sessions is more diamond   the album. “Little Gypsy” may remind some   been released in Portugal so far. Give
  rock old style with little demands and still   than rough.  listeners of such contemporaries of Odin   these guys a chance, will you?
  except for frills.  “A Better Way” for Mike                            as Motley Crue and Ratt. The guitar intro
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