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                                                                                                                    ROCKNATION ISSUE 13
  CD                                                                     entitled “Smoke & Mirrors” delivers the   whole MR. BIG feel to it and is easily the
                                                                         goods in exuberant fashion. Wasting no
                                                                                                             most “radio-friendly” track on the release.
                                                                         time, the CD opens up in classic LYNCH
                                                                                                             These finish off the regular release but if
                                                                         MOB style with the energetic “21st Century  you’re lucky enough to grab a copy with the
  REVIEWS                                                                Man.” This potent rocker features Logan   bonus track “Mansions In The Sky,” you’ll
                                                                                                             be very pleased with this darker, haunting
                                                                         using that mono/echoey effect during the
                                                                         verse leading into a strong, melodic chorus  melody as a CD ender.“Smoke & Mirrors”
                                                                         with a vibe similar to that of something you  is another feather in the cap of this living
                                                                         would hear by THE CULT, a creative bridge  guitar legend. But don’t get me wrong, al-
                                                                         and, of course, Lynch’s electrifying rhythm  though guitarists will get more than their fill
                                                                         and fills.The title track “Smoke & Mirrors”   of George’s aggressive melodies, inventive
                                                                         is a bit more laid back with a bluesier and   solos and tasty licks, while it is a “ George
                                                                         somewhat “Southern-Rock” kind of feel to   Lynch project,” the inclusion of Logan,
                                                                         it, ala BADLANDS . “Lucky Man” is a great  Coogan and Mendoza who all get their
                                                                         follow up… still with that more “laid-back”   chance to shine at one point or another
                                                                         feel, it reminds me a bit of a late 70’s/ early  make this more of a group effort instead of
                                                       .                 80’s composition with a “spicy” guitar solo.  just  another guitarists “ego-feeding.” Great
                                                                                                             job all around and I hope to get a chance to
                                                                         “My Kind Of Healer” is just great! An up-
                                              DYNAZTY                    tempo rocker which sounds like it could   catch them live sometime this fall.
                                                                         have been an outtake from the bands 1990
                                            “Bring The Thunder”          “ Wicked Sensation “ debut. Then get ready   CHERRY LIPS
                                               Perris Records            to crank up those stereos as “Time Keep-
                                                                         ers” jets out of your speakers with a ven-
                                                                                                                       “Cherry Lips”
                                      You know every once in a while an   geance! This is an aggressive, heavy tune   (Swedmetal records SM-017-CD)
                   l                  independent label gets lucky and signs a   featuring some of Lynch ’s best solos and   So, if some mad scientist thought to
                                      band that ends up being explosive, in case
                                                                         fills on the release and is guaranteed to
                                                                                                             himself, “What would I get if I mixed the
                                      Perris recent signing of the suave band
                                                                         satisfy the edgiest of appetites.“Revolution
     CHICKENFOOT                      DYNAZTY. Yeah you know some of the   Hero” is another strong arrangement which   raucous rock ‘n’ roll vibe of AC/DC with the
                                                                                                             pop tendencies and sultriness of a band
                                      members that been in other high profile
                                                                         again reverts back to that whole “ Wicked
                                                                                                             like The Go-Gos,” and went through with
                                      bands but the mixture that make up
            “Chickenfoot”             DYNAZTY will come as a jolt to the system.  Sensation “ kind of vibe. This is followed up   the experiment … he’d get the new Italian
                                                                         by one of my favorites on the release “Let
        Redline Entertainment         Just for instants through an ad on   The Music Be Your Master.” I guess the   band Cherry Lips. Their self titled debut is
                                                                                                             an odd concoction of pared down Classic
                                      MySpace and find a lip luscious vocalist
  CHICKENFOOT is Sammy Hagar on       like Nils Molin with the balls to make   best way I can describe this slower, grittier   Rock compositions with just enough blatant
  vocals, Michael Anthony on Bass, Joe   Sebastian Bach a past memory and there   number is that the melody to the verse   femininity to make their music appeal to
                                                                         sounds a bit like Prince ’s “Sign O’ The
  Satriani on guitars and Chad Smith the   is no sense mentioning guitar killer Rob   Times” (as strange as that may seem) with   damn near everyone.The all-female band
  RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS skinsman on   Love formerly of ZAN CLAN and his work   Lynch ’s heavy guitar riffs laid over it. Very   consists of lead singer/guitarist Stefania,
  drums. Looking at this lineup you get just   with RANDY PIPER’s ANIMAL. These   cool track with layers of guitars and really   drummer Serena, bassist Karima and lead
  what you expect. The band is dead on for   boys just released their debut “Bring The   seems to showcase Logan ’s vocals.  guitarist Elisa, and they are already making
  killer hits and a sure to be classic album for   Thunder” that knocked me back against the   The high-energy, blood pumping rhythm of   waves in Europe with their video to the
                                                                                                             single “Mean, Hot & Nasty.” Watch it once,
  fans to enjoy years to come. This is one of   ropes. I know for a fact the master sound   “The Fascist” is another excellent, excel-  and you’ll see/hear why … Cherry Lips may
                                      quality is due to the production of Chris
  my favorite CDs in years, and almost every   Laney and being close friends with the   lent track sporting another effective chorus   be a secret known mostly in Italy and in
  rockin track is in my MP3 player. Thanks to   band only gives Laney even more incen-  and almost reminds me of something by   Europe right now, but there hasn’t really
                                                                         MR. BIG in its vocal style and arrange-
  Sammy and the guys to give me the energy tive to bring his expertise to the table. My   ment. Then “Where Do You Sleep At Night”   been an all-female band to make big Rock
  to work out every day jammin on the high   particular excitement about DYNAZTY is   slows it down again with that bluesier, more   noise in quite a while. Sure, The Spice Girls
  energy these guys deliver in their songs.  the great harmonies and choruses. You   70’s feel and another tasty guitar break   did, but that’s not even music. Females
  This CD will be one of the biggest sellers   might not know the name Nils Molin but for   while “Madly Backwards” again turns it up   seem to find the most success in Heavy
  for 2009 in the rock style, very fan that lives   sure you by the end of the year Mr. Molin   a notch but still has that mid-70’s kind of   Metal right now either singing death/black
  to rock should buy this CD.         will grace many magazine covers as did   vibe to it comparative of something along   vocals (Arch Enemy) or operatic vocals
                                      Bach back in the day. The band has the   the lines of T-REX .Then finally surging   with a Symphonic Metal band (Nightwish).
                                      chops and the looks to win over a down   through your speakers and rounding off the   It’s nice to see four women not take them-
                                      turning music scene and revitalizing a new   release is the shredding “We Will Remain”   selves to either extreme and just play Rock
                                      era. Bands like DEF LEPPARD, EUROPE,   and the most commercial sounding track   ‘n’ Roll the way it is meant to be played.
                                      WHITESNAKE and SKID ROW Bach era   on the release “Before I Close My Eyes.”   Beware and do not mock them, because
                                      were huge and it’s just a matter of time   This pseudo-ballady rocker again has that   CHERRY LIPS are here to be respected!
                                      before these boys get noticed. Bring The
                                      “Youth Gone Wild”. Check out the opening  ROCKNATION ISSUE 13 2009
                                      Thunder has a tasty flair of GUNS “N’
                                      ROSES yet a raw sound of SKID ROW’s
                                      track “Bring The Thunder” and the    PUBLISHER - Tom Mathers
                                      powerful vocals of Molin with mild lyrics
                                      yet can bring the house down with his   WRITERS - Tom Mathers, Mary Ouellette, Jeffrey Easton, Brian Rademacher,
                                      screams. The choruses and the harmonies   “Revn” Kevin LeFebre,
                                      I am sure due to help of Laney’s expert
                                      mastery producer.You gotta hear “Lights   PHOTOGRAPHY - Tom Mathers, Mary Ouellette,
                                      Out” and tell me GUNS N ROSES didn’t   “Revn” Kevin LeFebvre
                                      have any influence on DYNAZTY, I feel
                                      anthem!!! This song is gonna kick your ass.  EXECUTIVE OFFICE              
                                      After a ripping song DYNAZTY will make   Rocknation
                                      you shed a tear as a true classic melodic   P.O. Box 841533        
                                      ballad with “Far Away”, unbelievable, you                            
                                      gotta check the pipes on Molin and the   Houston, TX 77284
                                      musical professionalism of the band. Just
                                      chilling!!!  Come on get those lighters up.
                                                                           INTERVIEW & PHOTO FEATURES
                                                                           LYNCH 4
                                                                           INNOCENT 7
                                                                           CD 8
                                                                           SEVENTH 9
                                                                  10 & 11
                                                                           HOUSE OF 12
                                                                           CD 13
                                                                           S.E.X. 14
                                           LYNCH MOB                       LIONS SHARE and LILLIAN 16

                                             “Smoke & Mirrors”             ROCK ON THE RANGE 19
                                              Frontiers Records            Rocknation newspaper is in over hundreds of CD stores and music related
                                      The latest release by guitar virtuoso   stores in 46 states nationwide.
                                      George Lynch and his band LYNCH MOB
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