Page 10 - ISSUE 13
P. 10

Rock heavyweights Sammy                                                                                   right. Some big labels that we had all been
   Hagar, Michael Anthony, Joe                                                                               on before too had turned us down, they
   Satriani and Chad Smith                                                                                   weren’t even interested in hearing the mu-
   released their debut album                                                                                sic - they just had preconceived ideas that
   under their quirky moniker                                                                                we’d be some superstar group that would
   Chickenfoot in early June.                                                                                take money from them and then never go
   Debuting at #4 the album is                                                                               out and do it again but they were so wrong.
   already a success but don’t                                                                               Mary:  You played live on the record which
   label these guys a “super                                                                                 seems to be a bit of a lost art in this day
   group” because they’ll prove                                                                              and age. What are the advantages to that
   you wrong. Super groups,                                                                                  approach?
   notorious for being put                                                                                   Sammy:  Well if you’re good players you
   together in a boardroom and                                                                               feed off of each other. And if you have good
   never lasting longer than an                                                                              chemistry, which we do, then you feed off
   album are usually fueled by the                                                                           of each other. If we had just done it one
   industry; Chickenfoot is fueled                                                                           instrument at a time we would have had
   by the foursome’s passion for                                                                             nothing to play off of, nothing to feed off of,
   what they do. Sammy Hagar                                                                                 it would have been just a sterile drum track
   took some time to talk to us                                                                              and then you put a sterile bass track on top
   about the organic approach                                                                                of that and then you put a couple of sterile
   the band took to putting it all                                                                           guitars on there and then a sterile vocal.
   together from the bottom up.                                                                              The guy that would have the best shot at it
                                                                                                             would be the vocalist who when everything
  Mary: So I think one of the things people                                                                  is finished he at least is singing to a band
  are surprised to see is how you were able                                                                  but we didn’t want to do it that way. That’s
  to take your four larger than life personali-                                                              usually for bands that really can’t play that
  ties and mold them to create a band that                                                                   well or use a lot of gimmicks in the studio
  has an identity all of its own. Did you have                                                               and cut pieces up and make the track out
  to work on that or did it just come naturally?                                                             of nothing. We knew from the beginning
  Sammy:  There was a little work to it I                                                                    that we played well together and every time
  would say because I was so use to being                                                                    we’d play a song, for example “Sexy Little
  a leader in a band and Joe was use to be-                                                                  Thing” it was a little different so we thought,
  ing a leader in a band so I think for mainly                                                               this is outta sight. So when we started play-
  he and I it was a little work. First of all the                                                            ing together on every track we’d go in and
  chemistry has to work, and for us it does                                                                  listen and then we’d all decide which take
  so we didn’t have to work at that but what                                                                 we liked the best and then we’d put it away
  I had to do was I had to stop myself from                                                                  and move on to the next song. We just
  knee jerking all of the time and being the   Photo by: P.R. Brown                                          knew we had the magic. When you start
  guy who as soon as there was a question,                                                                   building a track from the bottom up you
  to answer it or as soon as there was a                                                                     don’t know if you have the magic until it’s
  problem, to solve it. Instead I’d just sit back                                                            done and it can be a bummer if you finish
  and let everyone kick in and we’d all dis-                                           Photo by: LeAnn Meuller  it and then are like “geez, that aint it, I was
  cuss it and then it would be a unanimous                                                                   hoping it would be better” but we knew we
  decision based on everyone’s input. It was   Interview with Sammy Hagar                                    had it before we moved on to the next.
  real easy to let go of the leadership reins,                                                               Mary:  When the band was starting to fall
  both Joe and I talked about that and we’re                                                                 into place and you needed a guitar player,
  so happy to let it go. We’re tired of being      By:  Mary Ouellette                                       you immediately thought of Joe Satriani.
  the boss, let someone else do it. And in a                                                                 He seems to be the most reserved of the
  funny way the guy that’s taken over a lot of                                                               four of you, what does he bring to the band
  the decision making and comes up with a                                                                    other than being a true guitar hero?
  lot of the ideas is Chad Smith. He’s becom-                                                                Sammy:  He does bring a mellow person-
  ing outspoken in this band. So we kind of     “We weren’t trying to be a “super                            ality. Chad and I are crazy, we’re on fire
  turned the whole thing upside down and                                                                     and frantic. We’re just always doing crazy
  in a funny way it’s so much more exciting                                                                  stuff and Joe is always the serious guy who
  that way. It’s become so much more fun to   group”; we’re just a band that started                         always keeps an eye on things while we’re
  run with Chad’s ideas or Mike’s ideas who                                                                  screwing around sometimes and maybe
  haven’t had a lot of a voice in the past, so it                                                            overlook something. When the music is
  was easy.                                      from the bottom up”   - Sammy Hagar                         playing back in the room and Chad and
  And like I said, if the chemistry wasn’t right                                                             I are screaming and yelling and jumping
  in the first place – chemistry is just one of                                                              over couches, Joe is sitting there really
  those things, you don’t know what you’ve   said “hey let’s get together and play” and   much pressure. I was over the pressure   concentrating. We’ll say “hey that one was
  got until you get in the same room for about   everything else just followed. We weren’t   by the time I finished with my little ten year   great” and Joe will be the first to say “no
  a month and you realize you either don’t   trying to be a “super group”; we’re just a   stint with The Wabos, so by the time this   no no, wait wait wait, this part here…” and
  like each other or this is cool and we were   band that started from the bottom up. And   band came around, at this   we’ll all be like “oh yeah, he’s right”. He’s
  lucky that we had the chemistry and the   that’s part of the reason that we did the   stage of my life and as much                    really the
  ability to allow each other to make those   nine city club tour that we just finished up,   success that I’ve experi-                 intel-
  decisions. If you’ve got bad chemistry   we did it before the album even came out,   enced, the fame and fortune                      lectual of
  when that other guy makes a decision you   the tickets sold out in about four minutes.   has already come ten times                   the band
  start back stepping and it’s just a matter of   They weren’t giant places but there were   over so there’s no reason                  and its
  time before it’s not going to work anymore.   thousands of fans that came out.  to stress here. I thought,                            awesome
  Mary: You’ve said there’s a distinction   Mary:  You’ve said that the recording   you are who you are, you                            because
  between super group and band and that   experience for you was the most fun you’ve  have what you have to offer                       he’s
  Chickenfoot is the                  ever had recording because there was no   and that’s all you’ve got, so                           really
  latter, can you explain?            agenda, no label, no pressure, can you talk  don’t stress. So the four of                         musical
  Sammy:  That’s exactly right, we’re a band.   to us a little bit about that because I would  us came into this with no                and quite
  A super group can                               think there would be some   record company, thank God                                 hon-
  have chemistry but                              pressure going into it con-  because they would have                                  estly the
  usually a band’s                                sidering the expectations?   been stressing us out telling                            music all
  concern is for the                              Sammy: No, we didn’t   us what people expect and                                      sprung
  band, it really is.                             take it that way. I felt so   telling us about the money                              from him,
  The reason we                                   much pressure when I went  they have invested and the                                 he’s our
  don’t like the term                             into the studio for the first   hits they need, you get all                           spring.
  “super group” is                                time in my life in 1972 with   that crap going and man                                We say
  because usually that                            Montrose. I was so pres-  you don’t need that. So we                                  Joe,
  is someone that a                               sured because I had never  intentionally did it the other way around.   come up with an idea tomorrow and that’s
  record company,                                 been in a studio, I had   We wanted to go and make the music   the way it works. Joe will come in with the
  some management                                 never sung into a micro-  we wanted to make and see who wanted   guitar and say okay here’s are some chord
  and some attorneys                              phone with headphones   it. And ironically, we got turned down by   changes and a riff and Chad will start play-
  have decided to                                 on to a track and recording  three or four major labels. They didn’t even   ing a beat and I’ll sing to it and once I’ve
  put together and to                             something that the whole   know how much money we wanted, we   got my melody down to what Joe’s original
  pick and choose the                             world would hear – that   didn’t even get that far, they just thought   chord changes are then I go write lyrics. I
  players because                                 was pressure. Then, as a   ‘these guys won’t last, they’ll do one album   have to figure out what I want the song to
  they think they’ll be                           solo artist after that, I had a  and break up’, they all had pre-conceived   be about and that to me is the hardest part
  huge, but it doesn’t                            little freedom and felt a little  notions about us. And thank God for that   of the whole songwriting process. Everyone
  always work. This                               more at ease. Then I joined  because they would have ruined us, or at   in this band is so capable of playing every-
  band is like a garage                           Van Halen and came into   least tried to. So, long story short, when   thing and anything but to figure out what
  band, a bunch of                                a band that was already   we found the label that wanted to do this   you want to sing about in a song is the only
  guys that knew each                             established and I felt huge   the way we wanted to do it and we came   thing that takes extra thought. I have to
  other and called                                pressure again. After I left   in on the charts at number four, we have   take it home, maybe go down to Cabo for
  each other and                                  Van Halen, I didn’t feel   big smiles on our faces. We did something   a weekend, get away from everything, and
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