Page 7 - ISSUE 13
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are expect just a good release by HOUSE OF
debut, look somewhere else. This is by far the
Interview with Innocent Rosie guitarist Joel Eliasson LORDS or looking to hear an equivalent to their
best HOUSE OF LORDS release to date!
Rocknation: You have been a band for specific type of people to hear it, then we
how long? And why? What drove you all to would probably not have come this far. It’s PRETTY WILD
become musicians instead of going to not about selling out or anything, but the
college/having fancy jobs? idea of all kinds of people standning next to “All the Way”
Joel: We’ve been a band since late 2005, each other at the shows is far more inter- (Swedmetal Records SM-016-CD)
with a few line-up changes here and there. esting than being narrow and just wanting PRETTY WILD is 100% unadulterated Hair
We’re all restless as hell and ordinary a specific group of people hearing it. The Metal, almost to the point of cliché. Fortunately,
education and jobs isn’t doing it for us. It’s term sell out disappeared with myspace. they back up their pomp with some pretty catchy
boring.And music is, like so many have Tape trading is dying really bad, unfortu- tunes on “All The Way,” their first EP. From the
said before me, the best way to get real natley. opening harmonies of the title track, one immedi-
experience of everything around you. The Rocknation: There is a new generation ately senses the POISON influence, a sound that
permeates much of the record. Guitarist Krizzy
real world. You can end up playing a shitty of Rock n Roll going on, artists are blend- HOUSE OF LORDS Field has the same kind of pop-Eddie Van Halen
club in a town you can’t even pronounce ing all kinds of genres to create something “Cartesian Dreams” playing style that many of the ‘80s
the name of somewhere in the middle of new. But you’ve managed to stay rooted Frontiers Records guitarists loved so much.The songs
nowhere. And there’s no chance in hell with the old sound. Was that the whole Idea HOUSE OF LORDS surely an impressionable themselves, however, are fantastic. “Let The
you’ll go there on vacation! You get to see of the album? repertoire with Gregg Guiffria (ANGEL) being Good Times Roll” has a straight-up POISON vibe
those places, and that’s awesome.And, Joey: We didn’t have anything in mind signed to Simmons records back in the late (and the “’86 Mix” is even better), whereas “Take
we love what we’re doing, there no greater when we were making the songs, we eighties, changing their name requested by It Off” evokes VAN HALEN’s “Panama” in parts,
freedom than being on tour, and there is just wanted them to be loud and agres- Simmons and dropping their lead vocalist David mostly due to Field’s guitar playing. “Time” is a
bit heavier, maybe more of a TWISTED SISTER-
no worse hell than the tour bus! There’s a sive! Maybe we don’t sound like the the Glen Eisley and recruiting James Christian esque anthem. The live version of “Dangerous”
lot of lunacy going on, and we’re not late to new bands that comes out, but rock n roll made its make etched in stone. Eventually shows the band playing in their beloved Los
embrace it. always stand against the time. We’re born Guiffria would drop out which left Christian hold Angeles (when Höglund sings about taking you
Rocknation: So I’ve heard. You are an ex- with Zep, Stones but also with Punk bands, the golden ball ringing up master guitarist Jimi “All The Way,” he actually means he’s going to
Bell and the thunderous drums of B.J. Zampa
perienced tour band, especially for a band so we kinda mix it all in there.I personally to take HOUSE OF LORDS to a higher ground. take you all the way to L.A. so you can watch the
who just released their debut album (Swed- love that there is a total confusion in the People also talk about the first self titled HOUSE band perform).Everything that made LA’s Strip
metal, early 2009). But you’ve been touring genre right now, and people desperatley OF LORDS record and seems that fans were the best place in the world for a couple of years
the U.S two times before the release. How tries to define every genre they hear! But never totally happy with any of the new releases is present on “All The Way”. Melody, attitude,
awesome riffs, a throat to die for, in short, great
was that possible? there is a rebellion against genres, and a that came from the HOL camp until the excite- songs but most of all that collection of people
Joel: The wonders of Myspace, and writing lot of bands don’t care anymore.No artist ment grew with “Come To My Kingdom”. Well with a dream, a purpose and the
good songs is a good start. Then you’ll wants to be labeled as “this or that”. Rock I’m gonna tell you don’t forget the great past means to do it right. Go, Pretty Wild, go.
have to work on getting your name out is all about kicking the shit out of that. It’s releases by HOUSE OF LORDS because every
title that came from the band had some good
there, too 100%. It’s a full time job! Just so pretentious nowadays, so we just blow elements… but wait, you just wait until you hear
because you don’t have a full length album that away, doing what we want. “Cartesian Dreams”. Christian was ecstatic
out, you can still write songs, and today Rocknation: You mentioned Influences to be working with Mark Baker once again on
it’s easy to get them out in public. We also on the album, name the big five artists that “Cartesian Dreams” after recording the “Demons
had great help from a lot of our friends to inspired you to become what you are now? Down” release in 1992. I am going to sit here
promote us, like Vains of Jenna, who we’re Joey: NOFX - because they have been and tell you right now the worst thing about the
already in L.A at the time. Mouth to mouth.. around forever, and always done every- new CD is that it has to end, “Cartesian Dreams”
So we made a good impression first time, thing themselves. No major company, blows my mind with the great uplifting feeling
and the incredible hooks will make this on many
and we came back again after one year, no trouble. Led Zeppelin - They were the top ten lists at the end of the year. Christian is
doing it all over again. And we’d do it 100 loudest band out there, creating rock n simply suburb the way he masters his vocals
times all over again! The climate over there roll havoc when Led Zep I came out. One and having guitagod Jimi Bell throwing down
is totally diffirent that in Sweden. You really of the greatest artists of all time. Guns n the hammer is just unbelievable. The produc-
have to smash the streets your walking on Roses - Because they took everything that tion is over whelming, you remember when VAN
to get people to see you. And that’s one made Stones, Zeppelin, Aerosmith great HALEN’s first release came out and you had the
spot we really do shine on! and blended it with a F*ck You attitude a production with those great drums well HOUSE
Rocknation: You mention Myspace, which la Punk, making AFD our most influential OF LORDS “Cartesian Dreams” holds those
same standards. So let’s get into some the new
is a great media for any band to get their record. Social Distorion - Mike Ness’s lyr- CD with the title track “Cartesian Dreams”
music out. But there is always a downside ics are personal and real. No bullshit, just opening the disc. Huge sound with pummel-
with digital music distribution. What is your straight from the heart. That taught me to ing keyboards and guitar licks slices the track, Innocent Rosie
view on the piracy question? always be honest, then you’ll lear when first hitting a symphonic meltdown then turning “Bad Habit Romance”
Joel: I dont’ wanna say this or that, I’m no people tries to take avantage of you. And melodic, then pure classic rock; I’m mean if love Swedmetal Records SM-015-CD
saint myself. But free downloading is great you can smash their heads in. Hah! Nir- great melodies, killer background vocals and Raw, rough around the edges and gutsy; the
when you are a demo band, since you get vana - They wen’t against the grain, away amazing choruses this is Godly. Bell goes off way I believe rock should be. That is the best
your music out there. And that’s what really from the polluted 80’s scene where looks but in a classy way that’s chilling and Chris- way to Bad Habit Romance, describe the newest
tian will caress you with his tantalizing vocals,
matters, even now. So I’m all about that. mattered more than the music. what a song!!! “Desert Rain” opens with a short release from Innocent Rosie. This CD reminded
People want it easy nowadays, and not Rocknation: To finish it, why should people narration by former President George W. Bush me of some of the guitar-driven bands that came
very many people are fishing new stuf in like you? What is the diffirence between until the first note hits as a hell break loose; the out of the LA scene in the late 80’s (Skid Row,
the stores anymore. But, what people don’t you and the billion other bands out there? lyrics made tears come to my eyes. Very moving comes to mind). Every song has that gritty,
seem to understand, is that recording an Joey: Because we live for this! An you can words about war and the future as a young boy unapologetic feel to it, but still maintains a good
album costs almost as much as buying a tell, when we play live, no matter if there is in the desert looks to the skies that light up the amount of hook-laden choruses with a whole lot
new car. And the time and night with explosions as tears flow down his
face, what has the world come to as we are all to of melody to keep you singing along. Innocent
efford you put into it (4-5 blame. “Sweet September” brings a softer side Rosie play their asses off and they have written
months) and the whole of HOUSE OF LORDS yet powerful still has that some damn good music in the process. From
jazz, is something you captivating essences to bring the house down. the first seconds, you get that this band has
don’t want 1000 people The melodic guitar work of Bell drives the sway- influences from GUNS N’ ROSES, SKIDROW
do just grab for free. ing of the crowd arms from side to side and will and MOTLEY CRUE. What should be under-
Maybe 25 people are be a fan favorite.“Bangin’” will reach out to the lined is that, despite those influences, despite
actually buying it. And we rock crowd and has the potential to be a HOL
are paying it all from our Anthem. It has the hard chanting words Bangin’- the bluesy solos, they have turned into a more
’close to our era’ modern sound. They move from
own pocket, since we’re Bangin’ and will be a good sing-a-long.Who bluesy/Rock style (“Shine, Shine, Shine”) , body
is this Jimi Bell with these suave guitar licks,
not on a major company. well he was in the running to be the next Ozzy shakers like “Sex Talkin’”, “Don’t Drag Me Down”
So there’s one upside, guitarist, lucky for HOUSE OF LORDS because (POISON, QUIREBOYS), sleazy sound (“Bad
and one downside of it the guy is an icon and you will hear that on “Car- Habit Romance”) up to a glam style injected with
all. I don’t take a stand, tesian Dreams”.“A Simple Plan” has a Foreigner micro-quantities of grundge, like “Knock Me Out”,
but one could think about feel and the kick ass harmonies and hooks will “Left Alone”. Definitely they have done a good
what has to be done to make this on many charts worldwide. “The Big- fusion, and the vocals of Oskar Kaleva start from
walk alongside. Spotify is ger They Come” is just classic rock at its finest
with one exception Bell slamming the strings and really soft melodic (“I’m A Vibe”), reach the Axl
a great way for starters. adding a great chorus.Who owns those amaz- Rose line (“Let A Memory Die”) and sometimes
Bla bla bla. I hate legal ing vocals hitting those high notes on “Repo give rise to a hybrid of it with a more harsh
conversations, like I said, Man”, this is another great tune but Robin Beck version. Simply put, “Bad Habit Romance” is a
I’m no saint myself. make one heluva addition with her background great debut album. The mix of Blues swagger,
Rocknation: Who are the vocals. Once you hear this one you will know Rock pomp, Metal heaviness, and Punk attitude
people who’s buying your exactly what I mean. “Joanna” is just another creates a listening experience that sounds im-
album then? What kind of response have a small club or a festival stage, we always hit maker on “Cartesian Dreams” first starting mediately familiar, and yet fresh. You may have
you gotten? surprise ourselves! We don’t know what off with a bit of AC/DC Hells Bells then turns to heard retro-style Rock before, but likely never
Joel: We hope it’s all kinds of people. (We will happen when we’re up there, and the an AOR favorite. This is one of those you WILL played in such a fashion. I can’t wait to hear
be singing along with, has a little funk and a lot
don’t go CIA on every person who’s buy- people who stands there listening sure as of party. Great tune!!! With a bonus track “The about what bad habits INNOCENT ROSIE may
ing the album) Since you want as many hell doesn’t either. And we keep evolving Train” ending the CD that has bluesy ballad feel indulge in in the future.
as possible to hear it. If we only wanted a as a band as well. and adds a spiritual feel is a great ending. If fans