Page 4 - ISSUE 13
P. 4
two steps back, that was very difficult. It and our time, we used a great studio
was basically three major writing periods. Sound City and very old studio with great
The first part was southern swampy style sound, and actually it’s the very first studio
in the vein of Raging Slab, very southern I’ve ever recorded in back in the seventies.
blues a lot of acoustic. The second time We went back there it was amazing
around we went with a harder edge more everything was the same, the same
like Wicked Sensation style and the third boards, everything on the walls were the
time we got more extreme that’s when we same everything the same. They didn’t
wrote “Let The Music Be Your Master”. change a damn thing which was great. It
It evolved it was all good. was very warm and very out of the way of
Brian: Are you pleased with the overall the whole Hollywood thing, tucked away in
outcome of the release or would you’ve the valley and I loved it. We tracked it live
changed something’s? in four days where the Wicked Sensation
George: Yes, I would have changed a record took two months, having some sushi
few things; we were frustrated to a certain and saki and getting drunk.
extent, but we feel we were hitting our Brian: You’ve had a successful career
stride near the end of the writing process. spanning over more than three
We have more decades, you’ve
songs on the table played for and
but we didn’t have have countless
the time and the numbers of loyal
fans all over the
luxury of money to world and have
keep going. Like I been inducted
said we had three into the
different writing guitarists Hall
periods so there of Fame. After
is a little inconsis- all these years
tency in the and accomplish-
writing, opposed ments, what
Interview with George Lynch to if we could keeps you going
settle in to
By Brian Rademacher ourselves and and motivated
to keep touring
now know what and putting out
Brian: This is your first time recording riffs and some arrangements and when we we are and new, fresh
with vocalist Oni Logan since the bands throw it in the band room gotta have beat what that record material?
formation back in 1990. What was it like and a bass line and then it goes from their reflects, reality George: Ah
working with him again and how did the and everyone throws in the way things what we are at it’s just money
whole “reunion” of sorts come about? should be in a real band, it’s a collective this point and (laughing) let’s
George: Well it’s like getting back with your effort. time without any be honest. Of course it becomes routine
x from the past twenty years (laughing), it’s Brian: Now as I mentioned, “Smoke & interruptions and that is a luxury. If you’re a sometimes, but then when you’re doing it,
a little strange at first but he’s a really good Mirrors” reunited you with Oni Logan. band like Metallica, ok we are going in and it’s not routine at all. Every concert is
guy. I really respect what he did moving Was there ever any talk or consideration write for two or three months and go in the different and unique and you get butterflies
away from the industry for a long while. of approaching Anthony Esposito and studio for six month and knock it out in two and want to have the best show you ever
Getting his head together and concentrat- Mick Brown to make this a true LYNCH different rooms with the best producers. did, just with a record it becomes a
ing on family and living a better quality life. MOB reunion? The “Wicked Sensation” record was done challenge and unique. Your creating
Then he came back stronger and better in George: Funny you ask that I actually just on a huge budget we spent a half of million something new and hope people like it and
a lot of way. Being older and wiser with the called Mick and left him a message, It’s a dollars on that record. This record “Smoke at the end of the day you sit back and say
chemistry we had. We are working towards long shot but I did leave a message but And Mirrors” was done on a shoe string Wow that always awesome. I will never get
the same thing and have a much stronger it would really be nice him coming back. but essential we done it the same way. We tired of that.
bond then we did. A lot of times went by Everyone shot off in different directions were very smart how we spent our money (Interview continued @
and we had a chance to reflect in what he’s with Ted Nugent, he’s with Don so I
we had and created. Really the creative really don’t hold a lot of hope it will happen. ROCKLAHOMA 2008 BOOKS NOW IN STOCK AND SHIPPED WITHIN
chemistry was an easy transformation and But it’s a possibility. We are going out on
we didn’t lose a thing it was beautiful, the road and 48 HOURS OF PURCHASE. FREE SHIPPING IN THE UNITED STATES
we picked off where we left off. it looks as it
Brian: How did you hook up with will be with
and decide on Marco Mendoza and Ace Frehley
Scott Coogan to record with this and Anthony
time around? plays with
George: Marco is brilliant, he’s a Ace and
gift from the skies and not just an Scott also
amazing musician he’s also an amaz- plays with
ing person which matters a lot. Ya Ace so we
know I’ve been in many bands and it would need a
always new drum-
comes mer for the
down tour if we do
to the it with Ace
people and I abso-
and lutely do not
Marco is want to
a great play with
human Anthony
being anymore,
above a lot of
all bad blood
things. there.
In many I’m very
ways happy The Rocklahoma 2008 Coffee Table Book is now available for
he’s the with only $45.00 through The 12”x9”
foun- Marco. hardbound book features 132 pages of full color photos, a pictorial
dation Brian:
of the What did dust jacket and cover with red foil embossing. Printing is severely
group. you find limited to 1200 copies. Each book is numbered from 1 - 1200.
Scott most
on the challeng-
other ing about OVER 450 photos grace the pages of the Rocklahoma 2008 Coffee
side has record-
that cra- ing this Table Book. The photos and comprehensive narration tell the complete
zy gene CD as Rocklahoma story. The book will help rock fans remember the five
(laughing) he very light hearted and very opposed
funny but at the same time very talented. to your day event. Every main stage band is featured, as well as selected
It’s a nice mixed and good chemistry. last Lynch Mob releases? North and South stage acts. Also included are shots of backstage,
Brian: All these guys are seasoned George: We had many challenges, that’s press conferences, weather damage - and tons of crazy fans!
veterans in the industry. How much did with any album. But relatively no compared
they contribute to the song writing and to other records I worked on and compared
musical direction of the band? to the “Souls of We” record which was a ORDER YOUR COPY NOW for $45.00 (includes FREE SHIPPING)
George: We all did, the bulk of it was Oni five year process and very difficult up battle
and I but we couldn’t do it without Marco like storming Normandy on D day, just
and Scott. I come to the table with lots of couldn’t get it done, like one step forward
coffeebookadrocknation.indd 1 8/5/2009 4:26:34 PM