Page 6 - ISSUE 13
P. 6
Interview with Duff McKagan
By: Jeffrey Easton
There are few individuals around today Jupiter Studios in Seattle, WA.
that exemplify the term “idol” or “leg- Martin is like a 5th member
end,” but one of Seattle’s own stands of this band. When we finished that that was a great band I was in, that album?
tall amongst this chosen minority. This record, we met the guys that are now was killer. But, there was a lot of crap Duff: People have said to me, “So you
person is Duff McKagan and anybody in the band and got together to tour in the 80’s. There was some killer art- are going back to your Punk roots.”
would be hard pressed to dispute that Seattle, overseas to Japan and Spain. ists like Adam and the Ants, that was I’m not ever a guy who has gone back-
he is the epitome of a hard rock icon. Then Velvet Revolver just kind of great. You can name on two hands the wards and tried to recapture some-
In 2009, with his latest, appropriately started out of nowhere, and that kind good records from the 80’s, the 70’s it thing. Songwriting is a forward mov-
titled project, Duff McKagan’s Loaded, of took the front burner. But, we knew was countless. ing thing that is progressive. You go
he gets a chance to add another chap- at some point we would do another Jeffrey: What do all these guys now forward to search, to write that perfect
ter to his already storied career further record. We didn’t think it would take 7 sitting around me bring to the band? riff, that maybe you will attain in your
showing his songwriting prowess and years, but it did. Velvet Revolver did Duff: We are all solid guys you know. life time and maybe you won’t.
versatility assuming the role of vocal- two records and two big long tours, so Even if we have problems Live photo by Keith Rheinhardt
ist/guitarist. This is an all out assault when we saw that tour coming to an with each other, we air it right
of pure rock and punk infused fury end last spring, it was time for Loaded away. We got each others’
that pulls no punches. Duff McKagan’s to make another record. It was also back like a good rock band.
Loaded have completed work on their time for me to step away from the Jeffrey: The new record is
massively anticipated new full-length whole big thing there, it was a lot of not a straight up punk record
album, Sick, which was recorded by drama. Loaded started sending MP3s but has a lot of attitude that
Martin Feveyear (Presidents of the of bits of songs back and forth to one is really missing form a lot of
USA, Kings of Leon). The album is another. When I arrived back in Se- music. Is that the direction
now available in all fine music stores. attle we pressed to get back in a room you wanted to go to with this
[Courtesy of] to put these songs together.
This record became a really
Jeffrey: You recently resurrected the inspired moment in my musi-
band with different members, how did cal history. Everybody seemed
you find these guys? to be at their peak regarding
Duff: Good question. The original what this band is about song
Loaded was Dez Cadena from Black writing wise. It all came
Flag, Taz from Reverend Horton Heat together. It’s one of the most
and Michael Barragan from Plexi. We inspired bodies of music I’ve
went out and did a tour in 1998. When ever been involved with -- this
I got back to home, I started classes new record we have now.
at Seattle University and my wife had Jeffrey: In your song “The
our first baby. I was playing some gigs Slide” the second line is “80’s
there with Michael Barragan, the most gave us crap” what do you
killer rock and roll singer on the planet. mean by that?
I saw Jeff playing drums in a band from Duff: Somebody else has said
Seattle called Green Apple Quick Step. that. It was not a direct com-
I really liked how he beat the crap out ment. Anybody that knows
of the drums. We met and started jam- anything about rock history
ming in Seattle. We wrote songs at my knows that the 70’s were killer
place which appeared on Dark Days. and the 80’s was less killer.
We recorded with Martin Feveyear at There was Guns n’ Roses,