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ROCKNATION ISSUE 12                                                                                                                 PAGE 3
   Interview with Snowy Shaw of               paycheck.  But then it just becomes   Scarecrow for Mexico and South America and
                                              a job and I’m no better than a whore  so on.
                                              and I’ve never been in it for the mon- Brian:  You recently toured with Deathstars.  Is
                                              ey.  So on the subject of a hired gun,  there any disappointment that many European
                                              that’s not the case at all.  I’ve repeat- bands don't reach the shores of America when
                                              edly turned down offers from high   you have fans dying to see you?
                                              profile bands just because I didn’t   Snowy:  Actually just a week or two prior I felt I
                                              feel like it at that point or the timing   had to pull out of that upcoming 2 month arena
                                              wasn’t right and I was musically in   support tour to Korn after having been tour-
                                              another frame of mind at the time.    ing worldwide for a whole year basically with
                                              I’m usually the most dedicated so   Therion. I had some personal business to attend
                                              that the other members can’t keep   to and my life was pretty messy at that point. In
                                              up with me.  And besides I never   retrospect I’m glad I pulled out and took care of
                                              really wanted to be in someone elses  myself and my new house and all.
                                              band and my biggest passion has al- Brian:  Seems to me Sweden and the surround-
                                              ways been to create and write music,  ing areas are leading the revitalization of sleaze/
                                              not to play drums.  You usually get   glam, why is that?
                                              these offers based on what kind of   Snowy:  Yeah, you’re probably right about that,
                                              music you’ve done before of course,  but I don’t know why really.  One can only specu-  correspondense.
                                              but  that didn’t quite dawn on me in   late of course, so your guess is as good as mine.   Brian:  Let's get to some of the CD. The opening
                                              the past and I wondered what kind   Personally, I think it’s really cool but it makes   track “Hello” is such a great tune, brings me back
                                              of weird f**king offers I was getting   no sense really, since there are no real big act   to the days of big hair and classic rock almost
                                              after I had put Notre Dame to rest.    whose success have inspired all the copycats.  I   in the essences of The Archie’s.  You remember
                                              And I quit Memento Mori after a few  guess it’s a combination of a new young genera-  them they did the song “Sugar Sugar.”  Was it
                                              years and I was pretty sick of that   tion and Sweden being quite Americanized if you   your intension to put fun back into the music?
                                              kind of neoclassical pretentious di-  compare it to France or Germany for example.   Snowy:  Ha ha ha!  That’s some funny shit.
                                              rection and wanted to do Illwill, which  All the kids who love and embrace the whole   Yeah, I remember hearing that song, not that I
                                              had a total different direction that felt  myth, notion and idea of Hollywood and would   can see or hear that much resemblance to that
                                              fresh and interesting and that I was   die to walk the sunset strip with all the Mötley   particular song though, but to a point you’re right
                                              really excited about and had a million  Crües and Guns N´Roses clones. I guess most   and I agree, it’s a great catchy feelgood song,
                                              great ideas for years before bands   of them don’t realize that was 20 years ago and   hardly designed to provoke suicidal tendencies
                                              like Rammstein and Marilyn Manson  is long gone. I was lucky enough to experience   or any negativity at all really.  Come to think of it,
                                              realized practically the exact same   all that at the very end and peak perhaps, when   this might be the perfect cure in this depressing
                                              ideas.  Then all of a sudden I get an  I joined King Diamond in Los Angeles 1989 as a   day and age of economic disaster and shit. So
                                              offer to join Yngwie Malmsteen which  20 year old.  We all know by now that all trends   forget your miserable lives for a minute and let’s
                                              in my opinion falls under a pretty   go in cycles and will eventually pop up some-  boogie...ha ha ha! In general, the glam and glit-
   By:  Brian Rademacher              so naturally I declined. A lot of musicians devide  Mecka was LA while 10 years earlier it was in   ter rock that I prefer is mainly based in the early
                                                                         place else a decade later, last time the glam
                                              similar catagory as Memento Mori,
  Brian:  Hey Snowy, welcome to Rocknation.    their time between 2 or 3 bands these days, de-  London.  So it seems this time around it’s Swe-  70’s with Ziggy era, Bowie, Sweet, T-Rex, Suzi
                                                                                                             Quatro, Gary Glitter and so on. The bands of this
  Man you had a great career in music so far play- pending on how successful and much touring the  den’s turn trying to recreate that scene.    era are sometimes dubbed as bubblegum teeny-
  ing with a lot of high profile bands, why would   bands are doing, and it also depends if you’re   Brian: Most of the bands you were in you also   bop, and much of it was most likely just lifted off
  you depart from some of these bands that are   just used as a musician like a tool or if you’re   had that Rockstar image on stage.  During your   or at least heavily inspired by that sweet naive
  legendary like King Diamond, Dream Evil, and   the creative motor and song writer. On that note  youth did you experiment with your image, and   and innocent  American 50’s and 60’s music, but
  Therion, or is it that you're just a hired gun?    although it may not be the whole truth I also quit  what kind of kid were you growing up?   with a little twist.
  Snowy:  Hell no! First I must say that I still sing   Mercyful Fate to focus on Illwill,.. a band that   Snowy:  Well, my life changed forever the day   Brian:  Loved the rendition of “I Want to You To
  in Therion and intend to stay there as long I’m   basically no one has heard of so you may call   I discovered Kiss, Destroyer, as a 7 year old   Want Me,” why did you decide to pick that song?
  satisfied,  and I have written some songs for the  me stupid and a lot of things, but I’m certainly not  fan of horror comics and superheroes.  At first   Snowy:  Oh, thank you.  I’m pleased with how it
  new album that we plan to start recording as   just another hired gun.    I couldn’t grasp what the hell this was, these   turned out too.  How that came about is actually
  soon as possible.  And to answer your ques-  Brian:  Didn’t you just start Snowy Shaw Produc- incredibly looking scary looking superheroes   a kind of funny story.  When we sat down in the
  tion on why I would depart from the bands I’ve   tions, what's that all about?  on a LP with very cool rock music with sound   rehearsal studio to write songs for the album I
  played with through the years, generally speak-  Snowy:  Yeah that’s right. XXX (pronounced   effects which was almost like watching a movie.    suggested we should also do a "guilty plea-
  ing, if it doesn’t make me happy anymore being   “Triple X”) is the first album on Snowy Shaw   I listened to Sweet, Nazareth and Deep Purple   sures" kind of cover tune, and first we went for
  in one band or another, I don’t see any reason   Productions and in this case I license to all the   mostly before that, but
  why I should stick around, except maybe for the  territories -- Perris Records for North America,   nothing really had that
                                                                         much impact on me
                                                                         til I discovered Kiss.
                                                                         Anyway, from that mo-
                                                                         ment on things were
                                                                         never the same and I
                                                                         guess this experience
                                                                         shaped my perception
                                                                         forever. Brian:  You
                                                                         recently formed XXX
                                                                         with a friend of ours
                                                                         Rob Nasty (Loud N'
                                                                         Nasty).  The new CD
                                                                         was released on Perris
                                                                         Records in America.
                                                                         Listening to the CD
                                                                         you guys have a sound
                                                                         of T. Rex, Pretty Boy
                                                                         Floyd, Guns N’ Roses
                                                                         meets early era Bowie
                                                                         and Slade and yet you
                                                                         have a great super-
                                                                         hero type image. A lot
                                                                         of fans are looking for
                                                                         the next band that has
                                                                         huge stage presents ala Kiss, Alice Cooper. Was   Rod Stewart’s “Do You Think I’m Sexy?” and it
                                                                         that something you were looking for?   sounded so and so, to be honest. For our origi-
                                                                         Snowy:  I’d lie if I’d say no. Of course it was/is.    nal songs I wanted more uptempo songs and
                                                                         Rob and I just can’t help ourselves but to think   wrote some but I still wanted something catchy,
                                                                         and make those kind of plans. Wouldn’t that be   melodic and kind of bouncy, so in order to il-
                                                                         just fantastic if XXX could deliver that kind of   lustrate and show the guys what I was aiming for
                                                                         big scale stageshows.  But I’m seeing things a   I started playing "I Want You To Want Me" on the
                                                                         little more realistic these days, and I know now   guitar, and then it just hit me…f**k! yeah!  We
                                                                         that takes a tremendous effort and many years   should do that song!  Ever since I first heard that
                                                                         to realize, and since I can’t change people and   song when I was about 11, I loved it so much
                                                                         XXX can’t be entirely up to me. It’s supposed to   that I later snuck in and stole the vinyl single at
                                                                         be a band effort otherwise I might as well be a   the youth center disco booth, I just had to have
                                                                         solo artist.                        it.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I had al-
                                                                         Brian:  With the new release Heaven, Hell or   ways wanted to do that song one day in the right
                                                                         Hollywood?  you got Al Rio (Marvel Comics) to   context with the right kind of band, it wouldn’t fit
                                                                         do the cover, how was that arranged?   in so well with Notre Dame for example, but it
                                                                         Snowy:  X and I were working hard in the studio   was perfect for XXX.
                                                                         and one day I came up with the whole idea and   Brian:  Listening to the CD I feel a vibe of Slade
                                                                         concept of having us painted like 3 superheroes   to your music.  Some of the songs are a little
                                                                         based on a song called “Heaven, Hell or Hol-  heavier like “Tomboy,” but you have the energy
                                                                         lywood?” So I asked Rob to track down one of   of Sweet’s “Ballroom Blitz.” What can fans ex-
                                                                         the great artists to do it. It was crucial that we   pect from a live XXX show?
                                                                         had one of the great ones from Marvel, EC com-  Snowy:  Sweet are one of my biggest influences.
                                                                         ics or something instead some halfass guy from   I’ve got tons of great plans and ideas for the XXX
                                                                         down the block.  Rob is a great tattoo artist and   liveshows, and I’ve prepared and manufactured
                                                                         has a great eye for the visuals too so I  knew I   most of the stageprops etc. and we were just
                                                                         could trust his judgement. He managed to get   about to go into full production rehearsals when
                                                                         hold of Al Rio who had previously done Batman,   the Europe tour was cancelled and we put things
                                                                         The Incredible Hulk, among others for Marvel   on ice. I don’t wanna reveal too much of what
                                                                         Comics, and this was really a childhood dream   you can expect from a XXX liveshow and ruin
                                                                         coming true.  Then we selected some pics   the surprise, you’ll see in time.
                                                                         and I made some drawings of the 3 characters   Fans who haven't had a taste of XXX yet, check
                                                                         emphasizing the personalities Heaven, Hell and   out the trailer for their new CD
                                                                         Hollywood. We kept mail contact with Al Rio’s
                                                                         English speaking manager who handled all the
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