Page 8 - ISSUE 12
P. 8
Interview with Freddy Villano of Holy Water.
by Brian Rademacher
beyond my control. Having said remains to be seen.
that I did write the following Rocknation: Freddy we would like to
blurb on the HW myspace page: congratulate you on the new release
Listening to HOLY WATER’s on Perris records. Would you like to
music one can hear a maturity say anything in conclusion?
evidenced only in the truly Freddy: Thank you and I hope to
great artisans of rock. So, on be speaking to you about a new
Rocknation: Hello Freddy and music and the creative partnership some level I do believe our Holy Water record sometime in the
welcome to RockNation. as solid. And those opportunities material measures up, whether not-too-distant future. Until then…
Freddy: Hello, thanks for having me. don’t come around too often. or not anyone else does Onward….
Rocknation: You had some career in Anyway, the reason behind
music so far what would you say is the band’s breakup was re-
the highlight of your career so far? ally the advent of grunge.
Freddy: Probably seeing Gaggle of That just compounded
Cocks’ debut, American Trash, at whatever else may have
the Virgin Megastore with its own been going on internally at
divider and knowing that some store the time. We had been in
employee had to create a label that the studio writing, record-
read “Gaggle of Cocks.” ing and crafting these
Rocknation: What was it like work- songs with Al Greenwood
ing with Dee Snider of Twisted (from Foreigner) producing
Sister in Widowmaker in 1994? for a year when Nirvana’s
Freddy: It was a great opportunity Nevermind came out. That
for me. Dee was, and still is, the changed everything for
consummate performer. Because bands like Holy Water.
we shared a room on the road, I saw Instead of maybe signing
what it was like to have a regimen us, a guy like Jason Flom
and devotion to craft. And play- went out and signed STP.
ing with Al Pitrelli and Joe Franco Melodic AOR was out,
immediately raised my credibility morose and melancholy
factor as a musician. were in.
Rocknation: Tell us a little about Rocknation: You have a
your time with Quiet Riot? new CD coming out on
Freddy: Quiet Riot was another Perris record in April/May
amazing opportunity. When I joined, called Holy Water THE
Kevin and Frankie told me to be COLLECTED SESSIONS.
prepared to ‘stretch-out’ during the Would you say this is a
course of the show. They had been product of the rejuvenated
playing the tunes for many years by era of 80’s music making a
that point and really enjoyed throw- comeback today?
ing in extended jams. It was the first Freddy: Absolutely. It’s
time I’d ever had such an funny how it all trickles
opportunity as a live musician. And downhill. HAHA…
Kevin, the more shows we did the Rocknation: I had a chance
better he got. His voice never wore to check the tracks out on
down. It only got stronger. THE COLLECTED
Rocknation: With many bands not SESSIONS and if I didn’t
even being able to stay together for know it that CD makes
one album, how did you keep your some of today’s artists
relationship solid with past look second class. Do you
members of Holy Water? feel it can measure up to
Freddy: We all went our separate today’s releases?
ways for a while. HAHAHA… But The music business is in
as the saying goes, “time heals all such a state of flux nowa-
wounds.” Tom (Jude, HW guitarist) days I don’t know what to
is one of my best friends. I was his expect. Actually when we
best man at his wedding. So the started doing this I prom-
musical partnership was only one ised myself that I wouldn’t
aspect of our relationship. have any expectations oth-
The bottom line though, is that we er than to make a record I
made some great music together, could be proud of. I think
so there is an irrefutable bond there. we’ve accomplished that. I
And that sometimes supersedes do appreciate your com-
artistic and/or personal differences. pliment though and hope
I guess the relationship is solid that more people feel that
because we all acknowledge the way, but ultimately that’s