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PAGE 12                                                                                                           ROCKNATION ISSUE 12

                                                                         comes naturally. If I’m focused it comes out  the traditional way. I wrote some, recorded
                                                                         focused, if not, it’s not. The songs natu-  some, went on the road came back did
                                                                         rally start off with an idea and it comes out  more and we have the final product.
                                                                         great.  Once the song is started I start get-  Brian: Another killer tune is “Priest of the
                                                                         ting more methodical with the lyrics, which I  Unholy,” that to me is magical. I really like
                                                                         spend a lot of time on.             when you play alongside the keyboards,
                                                                         Brian: Did you ever try playing with a bow   I would have loved hearing this just as an
                                                                         like Jimmy Page did?                instrumental song. Would there be any pos-
                                            By:  Brian Rademacher        Yngwie: Yeah I did but didn’t like the sound  sibility of you releasing this track at a later
                                                                                                             date instrumentally?
                                                                         of it.
                                                                         Brian: Probably my favorite track is “Live   Yngwie: Thanks.  No that never came to
                                  Brian: Through the years and many reviews of   To Fight.” It really starts off a lot differ-  mind.
                                  other guitarists, you are mentioned all the time  ent than any other Yngwie song I’ve ever   Brian: The last three tracks were not in-
                                  in context of “this guy sounds like Yngwie,”   heard, more in an Ozzy “Blizzard of Oz”   cluded for the promo release. Can you tell
                                        what is that feeling like that others are   era sound. The guitars are down tuned and  me about the songs “Magic City,” “Eleventh
                                        always compared to you?          I really enjoyed this song. Will this track   Hour” and “Heavy Heart”?
                                        Yngwie: (laughing) The thing is I hear it   be included              Yngwie: They are very special. “Magic City”
                                        too and to me that’s an honor. It’s very   during your               I actually sing lead on. I like it; very bluesy
                                             flattering. When I was a little kid   upcoming                  and different from the rest of the album.
                                             about ten or eleven years old I   tour?                         “Eleventh Hour” is very majestic, heavy
                                             could play Ritchie Blackmore’s so-  Yngwie: Yes,                with a real string section. Those three are
                                             los on lead guitar and it sounded   we do play it               more than fifteen minutes long.
                                             exactly the same. That was a lot   and it sounds                Brian: Can you tell us a little about the new
                                             of fun but it came to a point where   really good.              tour?
                                             I said I can do that, but that’s not   Brian: When              Yngwie: Well we are doing some classics
                                             me, that’s him. I understand how   you worked                                        and older songs;
                                             you can be inspired by somebody   with Ripper                                        not too many
                                             but when you start putting out   for the Ozzy                                        new songs. I
                                             your own records it’s time to be   Tribute CD                                        don’t like doing
                                             yourself.                   Bat Head                                                 the new songs
                                             Brian: Do you have any plans to   Soup in 2000                                       because I want
                                             work with Paul Gilbert, because on   and you did                                     fans to hear it
  Brian: When you first heard Paganini   YouTube he talks about working with you?   the song “Mr.                                 from the album
  did you have any thoughts to play violin   Yngwie: Why yeah, that would be fun. I   Crowley,” did                               first then live.
  instead of guitar?                  have been hanging with him a lot lately. We   this come                                     Brian: Would
  Yngwie: A lot of times I try to explain to   did something in England together. He is a   into play in                          you like to say
  people my approach to writing songs and   great guy.                   having Ripper as the new vocalist?                       anything in end-
  composing them. I write the drum parts   Brian: Let’s get into some of the new CD   Or were there auditions?                    ing?
  myself, I do the bass parts myself, and the  Perpetual Flame. “Death Dealer” starts   Yngwie: That was one of the ways          Yngwie: I’m very
  guitar. I arrange all the strings and key-  things off on a fast track with Ripper adding   we got to know each other. It wasn’t   excited about
  board parts and the vocals I do that too. I’m  his raw vocal. What do you bring differ-  the initial reason. I invited him down   being on the
  very particular the way--the exact way--I   ently with the guitar that you haven’t in past   and we worked on some songs        road, and check
  want them. I got my first guitar when I was  releases?                 and the first one we did was “Live                       out the new
  five and started playing. When I heard Pa-  Yngwie: No I didn’t do anything different.   To Fight” and he dug it and so (he)    record.
  ganini I didn’t really have the urge to play   The difference in this record is I did it in   did it.                             All photos by
  violin. I am just inspired by his sound, that   sections. I would go in the studio do the   Brian: Why the 3 year wait for the
  is what I heard in my head and I wanted to  guitar or bass lines and then the CD started   new CD?                                Tom Mathers
  play that on the guitar.            taking shape. I will try anything. Whatever   Yngwie: The recording wasn’t done

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